Church News 1st Feb

SUNDAY 2nd Feb =  Feast of the Presentation of our Lord

 Monday 3rd February =  Feast of St. Balize        Blessing of throats will take place at all Masses over the weekend.

Candles will be blessed at both Masses over the weekend.   Candles for Altar use or donations for same will be very welcome.  Extra candles will be available to take home if anyone wishes to do so. 

FIRST FRIDAY – Friday February 7th.   Mass in Terryglass at 9am.

CALLING FOR VOLUNTEERS to join the Liturgy Committee in Terryglass Church. 

Baptism –We welcome Ella Rose Hegarty into our Christian Community.

MASSES FOR THE DEAD                                                                                                                                                                                                                            TERRYGLASS CHURCH 

Sat.  Feb 1st   8pm         John (Rum) Leenane,- 1st Anniversary and Mary Ryan (nee Leenane).

Sat.  Feb  8th   8pm. Michael Morgan, Jimmy and Maisie Downey,  Tom and Mary Downey, Edward, Bridget, Johnny, Mikie and Eddie Coen.


Sun.  Feb  2nd  9.30am   Eddie Flynn and Jim Tiernan.

 Sun.  Feb 9th   9.30am  Josie Carroll,  –  1st Anniversary.  Mary Fogarty,  Pake Hogan and Mary O’Donoghue-Sammon.

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