The bi-centenary of Kilbarron Church will be celebrated over this weekend, 13-15th June, with an exciting and entertaining selection of events. On Friday 13th June there will be a musical evening with James Kilbane in Kilbarron Church at 8pm. Tickets are €10 each in aid of a defibrillator for the village and are available from Parish Pastoral Council members or phone 087 1704422 .
On Saturday 14th there is an Historical Tour Walk (Transport provided) starting at 2pm from Kilbarron village, led by members of the Kilbarron/Terryglass Historical Society. Visiting Old Kilbarron Abbey, Coolbawn, Finnoe Church and Carney Commons, followed by a presentation in the Old School Hall on the history and events in the parish down through the years, followed by refreshments. To end the day there will be dancing at the Crossroads at 9pm until midnight, music by Brendan McGrath.
On Sunday 15th Mass is in Kilbarron Church at 2pm celebrated by Bishop Kieran O’Reilly. Barbecue in the village from 3.30pm, music and entertainment provided by Brendan McGrath and local musicians and dancers
We extend an invitation to all those who were baptised or married in Kilbarron Church, and who no longer live in the area, to join us during this weekend. Please invite family members living outside the parish to our special celebrations.
Volunteers are needed for stewarding and helping out at the various events, if you are able to assist please contact 087 1704422.
Donations of cakes and buns would be much appreciated on Sunday and can be left into the hall before Mass.
Please note that there will not be an 8pm Mass this Saturday in Kilbarron, Mass will be at 2pm for the bi-centenary on Sunday. Mass will be as usual in Terryglass at 10am on Sunday.
Sympathy is extended to the relatives and friends of Mary B Cahalan, Raheny, Dublin, formerly of Drominagh, who died recently and was buried in Terryglass cemetery.
Congratulations are extended to Cliodhra Ni Eanain and Manus O nEanain, Terryglass, and Keelan MacCraith, Belgrove, on their success at the recent 2014 County Fleadh in Ballina.
We welcome into our community Justin Carroll, who was recently baptised.
The next outing of the Rovers Golfing Society will be on Saturday 21st June to Thurles Golf Club. Tee time is 11am until 12 noon.
The next meeting will take place a week later than normal, this Wednesday 11th June at 8pm and will be the last meeting before the summer break. The hostess for the night is Geradine Wisdom.
Work is on-going to have our village well presented for this year’s Tidy Towns Competition. Terryglass Improvements Assoc. would welcome any helpers to join its evening clean-up, participants meet in the village square every Tuesday at 7pm and everyone is welcome.
Householders are being asked to be vigilant about litter left around the village.
The weekly working evenings are going well and if you can spare time on a Tuesday evening please come along to the village around 7pm all help would be much appreciated.
Ballinderry Village Improvements meets each Thursday at 7pm at Elsie Hogan’s. Please bring bags and weeding equipment, all ages welcome.
The Tip of the Week is- Mobile Phones. It is hard to concentrate on two things at the same time. Missing a call will not kill you. It is an offence in Ireland for drivers to text or use mobile phones, even if they are on hands free kits. Switch off before you drive off.
There is Bingo every Monday in Terryglass Community Hall at 8.30pm sharp organised by the Shannon Rovers GAA Club with great money prizes, including an excellent Jackpot of €1,000. Contact Oliver Darcy for further information. The prizes are excellent with €15, €20 for a line and two lines respectively and full houses now range from €50, €70, €100 and €120. There is a flyer for €150 each week and the full house if the jackpot isn’t won is €100.
Buses are available from the surrounding area,i.e.Nenagh/Ardcroney/Borrisokane/Ballinderry and Ballingarry/Rathcabbin/Lorrha/Carrigahorig/Terryglass. Buses depart at 7pm and for further information contact Ken Daly 087 6273177 .
The next outing of the club is on Monday 23rd June for a meal at 1pm in The Thatch, Ballycommon, followed by an afternoon of music, song and dance with Seanie. The menu choice is Stuffed Turkey, Beef and Yorkshire pudding or Herbed Cod, dessert is trifle, crumble or strawberry roulade. The subsidized cost is €10 and names can be given to Jimmy Donnelly 067 38237 or Loretta Tiernan 28066.
See This Weeks Newsletter Below
Download this weeks Parish Newsletter by clicking Here (PDF, 218KB)