On this fourth Sunday of Lent and Mother’s Day, Bishop of Killaloe Diocese, Fintan Monahan reflects on this day as a day of refreshment or restfulness from the discipline of Lent, just like Gaudete Sunday during Advent. He also invites us to consider the synodal journey of walking together in the same way as a mother walks with her children. Please do share these videos as widely as possible – on your websites, your social media platforms, and with others on your networks. You’ll continue to find these videos, and other video resources on our website, www.synod.ie on our YouTube Channel, Facebook and Twitter for ease of sharing. Direct link to Bishop Fintans reflection on this day https://synod.us17.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5d77b8797349ec78b2ec47f6a&id=7c064ac0c1&e=480924df90
Fourth Sunday of Lent
Lord, let me see you in the simple things of my life.
Fri. Mar. 24th 9am Maureen Starr (nee Corboy), Newlawn and Nenagh
Sat. Mar. 25th 8pm Geraldine Clarke, Ryehill.
Sun. Mar 19th 9.30am John and Sal Slattery, Kilbiller.
PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Our next PPC meeting will be held on Wed. March 22nd at 8pm in the Small Hall, Kilbarron. If you have any item for the agenda, please contact any PPC member.
We welcome Ellie Marie Mullins into our Christian Community.
Lent – it is a time of reflection and remembrance.
A time of prayer, fasting and almsgiving.
It is also a time to focus our hearts and minds on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
TROCAIRE This year Trócaire is celebrating fifty years working on behalf of the Irish Church, working for justice and responding to the cry of the poor. Trócaire boxes are available in all churches – please take one.
Terryglass – Sat Mar 25th at 8pm Kilbarron– Sun Mar 26th at 9.30am
During these Masses we bless all seeds for sowing at this Spring time of the year. Please bring along any seeds for sowing that you wish to have blessed.
We gather especially at these Masses to pray for the people of our Station Area.
Conversations about the future of our Church
Thurs 30th March 8pm Borrisokane Community Centre. As you know our three parishes, Terryglass, Lorrha & Borrisokane have been working collaboratively for nearly five years now. Our working together is an ongoing journey. This meeting is part of a wider conversation in our diocese that has been going on for some time. Bishop Fintan will be joining us to discuss how we move on.
Killaloe Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes With Bishop Fintan. Shannon 27th June – 2nd July. €809.00 per person Contact: J. Walsh Tours 01-2410800 email info@joewalshtours.ie
Our lotto took place this week – 13th March 2023 @ 9pm.
Jackpot: €8,800 Numbers: 9 – 15 – 16 – 26. No Jackpot Winner
Next Week’s Jackpot: € 8,900 Lucky Dip: David Gantly, Noreen Gorman, Vera McGrath, Paula Hannigan, Conor Tiernan Thank you for playing our lotto. PLAY ONLINE https://bit.ly/3vnHxmN
To the world you are a mother,
but to your family,
you are the world.