The Baptism of The Lord 8th January
Grant O Lord, that we may proclaim with our lips the good news
of his peace and love.
Please pray for the happy repose of the souls of John Egan, Terryglass and Eddie Hayes, Puckane, (brother of Gerry Hayes, Kilbarron) who died recently.
Bishop’s Conference and Commissons collection is next weekend.
SACRED HEART MESSENGER. The subscription for the 2023 Messenger is now due, please give same to your promoter or leave into either Sacristies as soon as possible.
The Feast of the Epiphany marks the end of the twelve days of Christmas. The feast invites us to ask: what gift can we present to Jesus that acknowledges him as our Saviour? Surely the most appropriate gift is striving to live a life that imitates his teaching and example. John Littleton – Journeying through the year
The Baptism of the Lord
This feast is a gentle reminder of the
way of life to which we have been called in
Baptism. It is a reminder of our own
baptism and of the coming of the Holy Spirit.
Pope Benedict Emeritus R.I.P Let us pray. O God, who in your wondrous providence chose your servant Benedict to preside over your Church, grant, we pray, that, having served as the Vicar of your Son on earth, he may be welcomed by him into eternal glory. Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever. Amen
GETTING MARRIED in 2023? If you are planning to get married soon we would like to remind you of the necessity of :
- Giving at least 3 months notice to your local Priest.
- Giving at least 3 months notice to the State Registrar, Tyone Health Centre, Nenagh.
- Doing an Accord Pre-Marriage Course well in advance (at least 6 months) of the date of marriage. Dates of Pre-Marriage Courses are posted in our Churches.
- Filling in the pre-marriage papers (pre-Nuptial Enquiry Form) with your priest.
Note: We have bookings for quite a number of weddings from outside the parish each year, therefore it is advisable to book the Church as early as possible .
Our lotto took place this week – 2nd January 2023 @ 9pm.
Jackpot: €7,800 Numbers: 1 – 10 – 26 – 30 Next Week’s Jackpot: € 7,6900
No Jackpot Winner Lucky Dip: Laura Brophy, Fr. Michael Cooney, John Hogan, Ciara Darcy and Alan Slattery. Thank you for playing our lotto. PLAY ONLINE
Jesus, receiver of the wise men and their gifts, help us to follow the light in the midst of our dark world. Fix our eyes and hearts on your light, that we might be bearers of that light to all those who walk in the dark. Amen.