April 10th 2022

Palm Sunday

 “Today is the beginning of Holy Week, when we celebrate the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.



Sat.  April 9th  8pm         Darrell Darcy, Carney.



Sun. April 10th  9.30am    Paddy Leenane, Newlawn, 

                                           Edward Flynn, Carrigahorig and his son John.

                                           Michael and Elizabeth Burchell, Terryglass.

Please pray for the happy repose of the souls of Marie Costello, Lisquillabeen and Maureen Nolan, Dublin (nee Cleary, Skehana)  who died recently.



Holy Week Ceremonies in our Pastoral Area  2022

Holy Thursday

Mass of the Lord’s supper  :   Borrisokane 8pm,   

                                                Rathcabbin 8pm.   Confessions afterwards

Night prayer  :   Borrisokane 9pm  Confessions afterwards

Good Friday

Stations of the Cross   :  Borrisokane 2:15pm

The Passion of Our Lord  :   Borrisokane 3pm with Confessions afterwards

                                              Lorrha 3pm with Confessions afterwards

‘Reflecting on the Passion of Jesus’  :  Redwood 8pm

Holy Saturday Vigil :  Lorrha 6.30pm,  Borrisokane 7pm

Easter Sunday : Borrisokane 10.30am,  Rathcabbin 11:30am

Trócaire Lent 2022

This year the Thandekile family in Zimbabwe are on the Lenten Boxes.  Conflict, injustice, Climate change and Covid are hurting so many around the world.  The Trócaire Collection is usually taken up on Good Friday or you may donate on trocaire.org


We welcome Ronan Joseph O’Meara into our Christian Community.

FINANCIAL STATEMENT:  Basket collection €660 for Mar 27th and Apr 3rd.

Trocaire envelopes are due during Holy Week.

Priest’s Easter Collection envelopes due next weekend.


COVID 19  Please continue to keep yourself and others safe.  We encourage to use of hand sanitizers and face masks indoors for now.


Easter Water will be available in both churches. We invited you to bring your own small bottle and a limited number will also be available.


Weekly Reflection  “Let us not grow tired of doing good….take time to love the poor and the needy, those abandoned and rejected, those discriminated against and marginalised”. “It is truly noble to place our hope in the hidden power of the seeds of goodness we sow, and thus to initiate processes whose fruits will be reaped by others”  Pope Francis – Lent 2022

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