18th Sunday of Year. ‘I am the bread of life, anyone who comes to me shall not hunger’.
Sat. Aug 7th 8pm Mary Ryan, Ballyscanlon.
Sun. Aug 1st 9.30am Bridget Nevin, Terryglass.
Sun. Aug 8th 9.30am Damien Malone, Bellevue – Months Mind
Sheila Kirwin, Fermoy and formerly Terryglass – 1st Anniversary
Christy Gleeson, Gortmore and deceased members of the Gleeson and Kennedy families.
Booking of Masses – Masses for Months Mind and Anniversaries can be booked by phone, text or email.
KILBARRON NEW CEMETERY Maintenance fees are now due and may be given to Willie Joe Tiernan, Tess O’Meara, Dermot Costello or Joe Slattery.
CEMETERY MASS are as follows – Terryglass on Sun Aug 8th at 9.30am, and Kilbarron on Sat. Aug 14th at 8pm.
FIRST FRIDAY Mass in Terryglass at 9am on Friday August 6th.
KILBARRON SACRISTANS – We are looking for 2 new Sacristans for Kilbarron Church. If you would like to volunteer, please talk to those who are doing this already to find out a bit more about it.
Marriage preparation – in addition to completing a recognised pre-marriage course: Couples need to fulfil the requirements set by the civil register which for this area is in: Tyrone Health Centre, Nenagh 067 46 480 crs.midwest@hse.ie Obtain Baptism and Confirmation certs.
Make an appointment with Priest and complete the pre-nuptial form.
Connect 21 is the Diocesan Youth Ministry
Newsletter https://www.killaloediocese.ie/connected-2021-
killaloe-diocese-youth-news-letter/ This is a beautiful account of what has happened over the past three years and it raises the question could more be happening in our parishes and pastoral areas.
Age Action’s Care and Repair prioritises carrying out jobs in the homes of older people who are being discharged from hospital; we would support them to make sure their home is safe. It’s a free service delivered nationwide. careandrepair@ageaction.ie.
Month of August
We welcome the month of August, the month of wheat, the beginning of Autumn. We thank God for the beautiful weather we have had for some time. May everybody be safe on the roads and while swimming. In August, we celebrate the harvest. Lugh was one of the most important gods in pre-Christian Celtic Culture. Dancing and bonfires were engaged in to celebrate the Feast of Lugh. Some of these customs were still alive until the twentieth century. According to folklore Lugh was a warrior, a hero, a poet, a harpist, a diplomat, a statesman and a craftsman. August (Lughnasa) the first month of Autumn is named after him. In pre-Christian times it was thought that all the crops came from the sun and without it there would be no food and they would die. St. Patrick came and taught that God created the heat of the sun and the rain to help the growth of plants. We thank God for everything that grows. The Pope’s intention for August is: Let us pray for the Church, that she may receive from the Holy Spirit the grace and strength to reform herself in the light of the Gospel. In the Bible we read that there is: A time to be born, a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted…. (Ecclesiastes 3: 2—3).
Lord be with us during the month of August.