RITUAL MASS with Confirmation and First communion children in Kilbarron on this Sunday, December 1st at 9.30am.
FIRST FRIDAY – Friday December 6th. Mass in Terryglass at 9am.
Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Sunday 8th December – the regular weekend schedule of Masses.
PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL meeting on Wed. 4th December at 8pm in the Small Hall, Kilbarron. If you have any item for the agenda, please contact any PPC member.
Please pray for the happy repose of the souls of Edmond Starkie, who died recently. Funeral Mass in Kilbarron on Sunday at 1.30pm. Also Elfriede Eberl, mother of Gudrun Singer, who died recently.
NEW ROTAS – for Eucharistic Ministers, Readers and Prayers of the Faithful in Kilbarron Church are available for collection in the Sacristy