CONFIRMATION RETREAT – We pray for our 6th class pupils who continue their preparations for their Confirmation with their retreat on Tues. Feb 11th in Esker. Bishop Fintan will celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation in Terryglass church on Sunday March 8th at 11am.
CALLING FOR VOLUNTEERS to join the Liturgy Committee in Terryglass Church.
ROTAS for Eucharistic Ministers, Readers and Prayers of the Faithful available in Terryglass Sacristy. Please collect.
Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes This Tuesday 11th February World Day of Prayer for the Sick is the 162nd anniversary of the Apparitions of Our Lady to St. Bernadette in Lourdes. This year’s Diocesan Pilgrimage will leave Shannon on Friday June 26th, returning on Wednesday July 1st The cost this year is €725 per person sharing. €20 discount for online booking at Booking forms from: Joe Walsh ToursTelephone: (01) 2410810
A limited number of sick or assisted pilgrims will be accommodated in the Sanctuary of Lourdes at a cost of €638 Applications for sick pilgrims only to Fr. Tom Ryan, Pilgrimage Director,Telephone: (065) 6824043 For more details, see poster in Church porch.
Baptism – We welcome Faye Cecilia Evans into our Christian Community.
Please pray for the happy repose of the souls of Johnny Nevin, Terryglass, Angie Haw, Gortmore and Breda Slevin, Ardcroney ,who died recently.
Sun. Feb 9th 9.30am Josie Carroll, Kilbiller – 1st Anniversary. Mary Fogarty, Drominagh, Pake Hogan, Killea, Mary O’Donoghue-Sammon, Carrigahorig.
Sun. Feb 15th 9.30am Molly and Jimmy Brannigan, Rodeen. John O’Dwyer, Scarrough, Tommy Slattery, Lesseragh, Bridie Donoghue, Paddy and Keith Donoghue, Lorrha.
Sat. Feb 8th 8pm. Michael Morgan, Cappinasmer, Jimmy and Maisie Downey, Terryglass, Tom and Mary Downey, Terryglass, Edward, Bridget, Johnny, Mikie and Eddie Coen, Ryehill.
Sat. Feb. 15th 8pm Jim Guest, Sheelrudderagh, Christine Keenan, Terryglass