March 13th 2022

2nd  Sunday in Lent

I thank you Lord, for all your blessings on me..”




Sat.  Mar 12th  8pm        Ettie King, Drominagh  – Months Mind

           William and Julia Nolan Terryglass,  Deceased members of the Nolan family Lacken and deceased members of the Heenan family, Crossanagh.


Sat. Mar 19th  8pm            Patricia and Francis Lee, Barry McGloin

Please pray for the happy repose of the soul of Paddy O’Meara, Dublin and formerly Kevinstown and who died recently.


St. Patrick’s Day Masses:

KILBARRON:   Vigil Mass Wed 16th at 7.30pm

TERRYGLASS:   Thursday 17th March 9.30am

FAMILY MASS  We welcome the First Communion and Confirmation children and their families today as they continue their preparation for the Sacraments.  Please keep them in your prayers.


MEMORIAL MASS  We will celebrate special Memorial Mass on the weekend of March 19th / 20th to remember those who died in the last 2 years, and pray for their families.  If you would like to remember someone who died during the Covid restricitons, please write their name on the card and place it on the memorial tree.


Suggestion Box for Synodal Pathway in both churches.  Please take an information leaflet.



The envelopes for 2022 are currently available.  Details of your parish accounts for 2021 are enclosed along with CHY3 forms which we would encourage all PAYE and Self Assessed tax payers to complete.  If you have any queries about your account, or wish to receive annual envelopes or change to direct debit please contact the Parish Office.


TERRYGLASS N.S  Parents who wish to enrol their children in Terryglass NS can do so by emailing the school at on or before Friday April 8th.


Ballinderry River Loop Walkway We are looking forward to opening our village walk on St Patrick’s weekend for all to enjoy.  We hope to have an official opening of this great trail later in the summer.


COVID 19  Please continue to keep yourself and others safe.  We encourage to use of hand sanitizers and face masks indoors for now.


Trócaire Trócaire boxes are available in all our churches this Lent. Please be generous to those who have little as we give thanks for what we have in our Blessings.

National Collection for Ukraine There will be an opportunity at all Masses in Ireland on the weekend of 26/27th March to contribute to help the people of Ukraine. Trócaire are co-ordinating this appeal

Extract from St. Patrick’s Breastplate

Christ in hearts of all who think of me,

Christ in mouth of all who speak to me,

Christ in every eye that sees me,

Christ in every ear that hears me.


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