Terryglass / Kilbarron Mass Times
Terryglass Week-days: Tues. Thurs. Fri: 9am Sunday : 9.30am
Kilbarron: Wednesday: 8pm. Saturday: 8pm
Return of Sunday Masses in our Pastoral Area
We are delighted to welcome you back for weekend and weekday Masses.
The recent Government directive confirms that Mass can take place with up to 50 people with strict social distancing in place. (per the Diocese)
You are required to wear face masks in the Church.
When the Churches are full according to social distancing that is the limit. We ask you to please follow the advice of the stewards. Holy Communion will be taken to you by Priest or Minister of Eucharist as you remain seated or at the end of mass. Collections: there will be a facility at the main entrance to donate and at either exits as you leave.
We want to thank at this time all our stewards who make it possible to celebrate in a safe way.
The numbers at Funeral and Wedding services is capped at 50.
Outdoor worship is not permitted with Government restrictions on organised outdoor gatherings.
MAY IS SAFEGUARDING MONTH With the good news that our churches are set to open, safeguarding checks within the parish will take place to ensure and maintain a safe environments. We welcome people back and offer our continued reassurance of our commitment to safeguarding in the parish and Diocese.
Booking of Masses – Masses for Months Mind and Anniversaries can be booked by phone, text or email.
Parish Contributions – We thank you for your ongoing generosity either directly or on line donations.
Trócaire Lenten Campaign The contents of each and every Trocaire Box, no matter how small, come together to make a significant difference. Can you please return your Trocaire Box or envelope next weekend so that our parish donations can be sent to Trocaire.
100Kms in 30 Days
Ballinderry Community Sportsfield Committee have signed up to the 100kms in 30 days challenge. This is a fundraiser for Breast Cancer and all funds raised will go directly to Breast Cancer Ireland. Please log on to www.http://100kin30days.ie and register, choosing Ballinderry Community Sportsfield on the drop down menu. The 100 kms is to be completed during the month of June. This event is open to ALL ages. Lets get our community walking to raise much needed funds for Breast Cancer Ireland.
A Blessing for Young People by Joanne O’Brien of Killaloe Diocese. Launching at 12 noon today. https://vimeo.com/546433300 www.killaloediocese.ie Youtube.
Safeguarding Prayer
Lord Jesus, Hear our voices as we pray for your care and protection. Strengthen and guide us as we strive to make our Catholic communities a safe place for all. We especially ask that the children and vulnerable adults you entrust to our care are protected. Give us the wisdom and courage to listen with open hearts, see with open eyes, and speak out to ensure children and vulnerable adults are safe, loved, respected, and cared for. May we also pray for those who have been harmed. Give them the courage to seek the truth and to heal. Lord, you call us to walk with integrity in the service of others. May we all strive to understand our collective responsibility to work together to safeguard our Catholic communities. Guide us as we build a community that fosters everyone to flourish and be safe. We ask this through Christ, our Lord, Amen.
ROTAS for Eucharistic Ministers and Readers are available in both Churches.