Nov 14th 2021

33rd     Sunday of Year                     

The present moment is the only moment I will ever have.




Tues  Nov 16th   9am      Brian Shayler, recently died in England.



Sun  Nov 21st  9.30am        Tim Darcy, Bellvue.


Trócaire special appeal – donations still welcome.

Kilbarron Old Cemetery

Subscriptions for maintenance of Kilbarron Old Cemetery are now due and can be paid to Christy Cormican or Mike Molamphy


NEW ROTAS – for Eucharistic Ministers and Readers are available for collection in both Sacristies.


November envelopes for names and offerings for Masses for the Holy Souls are available at the Church Doors. 


Terryglass – Saturday November 13th at 8pm

Kilbarron – Sunday November 14th   at 9.30am

During the Station Masses we will give thanks for the harvest and for God’s blessings


Pilgrimage of the Irish Bishops to Knock and Celebration of Mass for those who died during the pandemic.  Today, Sunday 14 November at 3.00pm, the Bishops of Ireland will undertake a pilgrimage to the International Eucharistic and Marian Shrine in Knock.  The bishops will concelebrate Mass for all those who have died in our country during the pandemic, and for their families.  This Mass will be live-streamed on and broadcast on the RTÉ News Now digital television channel and online.


Enrolment First Eucharist & Confirmation 

Children from Kilbarron N.S. will be enrolled at a ceremony in Kilbarron church on Wednesday, Nov 17th at 7.30pm.   Children from Terryglass N.S. will be enrolled in a ceremony in Terryglass church on Thursday Nov 18th at 7.30pm  We keep these children and their families in our prayers during this special year.


Remembrance Masses for the Holy Souls – 

Kilbarron Church on Wednesday 24th November at 7.30pm.

Terryglass Churh on Friday 26th, November at 7.30pm

We will remember all those who have died in our Parish since last November.  If you would like a family member or friend who died elsewhere during the year to be remembered on the night please submit their names to the Parish office- 067  22017.    


North Tipperary EmployAbility Service is an employment/recruitment service which supports people with an illness, injury or disability to secure and maintain a job in the open labour market.  We cover all geographical areas of North Tipperary. Details: 067 37896/37897


  Congratulations to Martina Flynn, Rodeen and Jonathan McKeever  who were married in Kilbarron recently.


The whole journey of life is a journey of preparation… to see, to feel, to understand the beauty of what lies ahead, of that homeland towards which we walk.                                            Pope Francis

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