Nov 7th 2021

32nd     Sunday of Year                    

Lord, that we may always value what really matters

6th  8pm          Joe O’Donoghue, Gortmore.

Thurs Nov 11th   9am      James Hough, Macloon.


Mission collection envelopes are still welcome. 

Kilbarron Old Cemetery

Subscriptions for maintenance of Kilbarron Old Cemetery are now due and can be paid to Christy Cormican or Mike Molamphy

NEW ROTAS – for Eucharistic Ministers and Readers are available for collection in both Sacristies.


  Congratulations to Eoin Donoghue, Coolbawn and Emily Hawkesworth, England who were married in Kilbarron recently.


Trócaire special appeal an emergency collection to support Trócaire’s work to alleviate the humanitarian crisis in East Africa this weekend  6/7th Nov- a retiring donation.    In the countries where Trócaire works, less than 5% of the population have been vaccinated for Covid.


26th UN Climate Conference (COP26)  Continues in Glasgow  until Nov. 12th . We are already seeing signs of climate breakdown.

Pope Francis, along with other religious leaders has called on those attending COP26 to renew their commitment to keep global temperatures below 1.5°C and to take action to make this possible. “We have inherited a garden: we must not leave a desert to our children,”  We need to keep in our prayers the success of this conference and the difficult challenges that everyone faces in implementing actions that will make a difference



Terryglass – Saturday November 13th at 8pm

Kilbarron – Sunday November 14th   at 9.30am

During the Station Masses we will give thanks for the harvest and for God’s blessings


Pilgrimage of the Irish Bishops to Knock and Celebration of Mass for those who died during the pandemic.  On next Sunday, 14 November at 3.00pm, the Bishops of Ireland will undertake a pilgrimage to the International Eucharistic and Marian Shrine in Knock.  The bishops will concelebrate Mass for all those who have died in our country during the pandemic, and for their families.  This

Mass will be live-streamed on and broadcast on the RTÉ News Now digital television channel and online.


KILBARRON DRAMA GROUP  are delighted to return to the stage in Spring 2022 with John B Keane’s ‘The Field’.  If you would like to join the cast and crew, please come to our next meeting on Thursday Nov. 11th at 8pm in the Old School Hall, Kilbarron.  New faces always welcome.



Start collecting your used clothing, shoes, linens, household textiles, (any condition once they are clean). NO Duvets or stuffed toys please. Bags will be collected by the Parents Association of Kilbarron N.S. on Saturday November 13th at 12noon in the Car Park in Kilbarron Village.


November envelopes for names and offerings for Masses for the Holy Souls are available at the Church Doors. 

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