33rd Sunday of Year Feast of Christ the King
May we never lose heart but always place our faith in you
Sat. Nov 27th 8pm Stephen and Bridie Darcy, Crossanagh
and deceased family members.
Sun Nov 21st 9.30am Tim Darcy, Bellvue.
Sun. Nov 28th 9.30am Tim Cleary, Skehana,
James Stack, Killea and deceased family members,
Patrick Geoghegan, Glin and deceased family members.
Please pray for the happy repose of the souls of Joe O’Keeffe, Carrigahorig – Funeral Mass in Terryglass at 1pm on Sunday, Denis Leenane, London and formerly Newlawn, Jimmy Kitson, Borrisokane and formerly Oldcourt, David Roberts, Kilbarron and England who died recently.
Trócaire special APPEAL – Total collected €1505. Thank you for your generous support.
Remembrance Masses for the Holy Souls –
Kilbarron Church on Wednesday 24th November at 7.30pm.
Terryglass Churh on Friday 26th, November at 7.30pm
We will remember all those who have died in our Parish since last November. If you would like a family member or friend who died elsewhere during the year to be remembered on the night please submit their names to the Parish office- 067 22017.
Advent is Coming : Next weekend we begin the Season of Advent. Four weeks of spiritual preparation for the coming of the Christ Child. It is also the beginning of a new Liturgical Year. Sunday readings will be taken from cycle C for the coming year.
Enrolment First Eucharist & Confirmation
Congratulations to our primary school students who were enrolled for the sacraments of Penance, First Eucharist and Confirmation, during the week. We keep them and their families in our thoughts and prayers during this special year in their lives.
North Tipperary EmployAbility Service is an employment/recruitment service which supports people with an illness, injury or disability to secure and maintain a job in the open labour market. We cover all geographical areas of North Tipperary. Details: 067 37896/37897
Covid 19 it is safest to keep the following precautions in place in our churches due to the continuing high increase in numbers of Covid 19 for the safety of everyone, especially the most vulnerable.
- Social distancing particularly while receiving Holy Communion
- Mask Wearing is deemed to be vital for protections.
- Hand hygiene is essential – please sanitise on entering and exiting the Church. These remain both HSE and diocesan guidelines.
We thank you all for your patience at this time and to our Stewarts for their ongoing assistance.
May perpetual light shine upon the faces of all who rest here.
May the lives they lived unfold further in spirit.
May all their past travails find ease in the kindness of clay.
May the remembering earth mind every memory they brought.
May the rains from the heavens fall gently upon them.
May the wildflowers and grasses whisper their wishes into light.
May we reverence the village of presence in the stillness of this silent field. John O’Donohue