October 10th 2021

28th   Sunday of Year     

Let worldly treasure not keep us from finding happiness.



Sat.  Oct 16th  8pm             Eilzabeth and Patrick Ryan, Ballyquinlivan and deceased

                                             family members.


Sun.  Oct 10th 9.30am       Fr. Billy Leenane, P.P. Puckane and Ballinderry, and

                                            deceased family members.

                                           Thomas and Alice Heenan, Cloninaha.


Sun.  Oct. 17th 9.30am      Helen Hogan, Shannon Lane – Months Mind.


The October Priest Collection envelopes are now due.  We thank you for your continued support in these difficult times.


We welcome Eva Rose Hogan who was Baptised recently into our Christian Community:

October month of our Lady

We are invited to say the Rosary each day or have a little altar to Our Lady.

Mission Sunday 24th October – is the Pope’s annual appeal to support overseas missionaries.

This year’s theme is “We cannot remain silent”. It is a challenge to stand up and speak out on behalf of those whose voices are too small to be heard.  Missionaries face extraordinary pressure because of the unrelenting pandemic with low levels of vaccination and the unrelenting poverty. Everyone is invited to please make a small contribution which will help enormously.

Month of Mission Prayer

God our Father, We pray for those who are suffering, for those who are grieving, for those who are anxious, and for those who are working tirelessly to care for the sick.

God our Father, Your Son Jesus Christ came into our world to heal us from division and to bring us life in abundance.

By the power of the Holy Spirit, help us to strive together as one family of many nations to help those in greatest need during this crisis.

We ask this in the name of Jesus, our Risen Lord. Amen

TERRYGLASS CEMETERY the maintenance fees for 2021 are now due and would be greatly appreciated.  Please contact John Mulvihill at 087 2185833 or terryglasscemetery@gmail.com. The cemetery rules are displayed on the church notice boards for perusal.


Enrolment Forms for Sacraments 2022

Enrolments forms will be issued through the schools this week.  Please complete as soon as possible and return to schools by Friday October 15th.


Falling Leaves

One, then another and another

On the skim down from above,

Bedding the forest table before me

With comforting crunches and crackles.

This gigantic death scene of leaves

Does not smell of sorrow or sadness,

Rather, the earth is coloured with joy

And the leaves make music in the wind.

                                                                   Joyce Rupp




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