Sept 13th 2020

Terryglass / Kilbarron Weekday Mass Times

Terryglass Week-days:  Tues. Thurs. Fri: 9am

 Kilbarron:  Wednesday:  8pm. 


KILBARRON CHURCH    Sat.  Sept 12th   8pm          Mary Stack, Killea.


 Sun.  Sept 13th  9.30am     Aileen Cahalan, Curnamult  – 1st  Anniversary.

 Sun.  Sept  20th  9.30am     Ambrose Fogarty and Mary Fogarty, Shannon View, Edward Egan, Terryglass, Francis and Patricia Lee, Barry McGloin

Please pray for the happy repose of the soul of Liam Reddan, Nenagh (brother of Kathleen Horan) who died recently.

Booking of Masses – Masses for Months Mind and Anniversaries can be booked by phone, text or email to keep entry to the sacristies to a minimum.

 TERRYGLASS CEMETERY the maintenance fees for 2020 are now due and would be greatly appreciated in advance of the AGM.  Please contact John Mulvihill at 087 2185833 or the cemetery rules are displayed on the church notice boards for perusal.

Congratulations and best wishes to the children who received their First Holy Communion in Terryglass Church yesterday –  Amber, Joe, Michael, Annie, Eddie, Jack, Thomas, Freya, Jack, Conall, Sophia.

Grandparents Knock Pilgrimage  on Sun.13th Sept. 3pm. join us online at .

 Congratulations to the Class of 2020 on receiving their Leaving Cert results. May the Lord be with each one of you as you make your choice of course and career.

CUP CHAMPIONS Well done to Shannon Rovers U12 (Team 2) who defeated Silvermines in their county final on Friday.


We need to re-double our efforts in light of recent daily reports from the HSE We need to look out for each other – Please observe social distancing at all times. Seating capacity is reduced in all our churches to 50 people.

*  2 meter distance rule applies, however members of the same house hold may sit together.

*  Stewards will be on duty to guide you to a seat.

*   Hand sanitizer will be provided at the door.

*   Outside speakers will be in operation for each Mass.

*   Everyone must enter through the main door and exit via the side doors of the church.

*  Baskets will be available at the side door exits where you may deposit your contributions and envelopes.  It is also possible to donate to the parish by using the donate button on the diocesan website.

*  We ask people to take responsibility for your own safety and respect the safety of others.

When day is over and night has come,

when today is gone and what’s done is done,

embrace your dreams throughout the night,

tomorrow comes with a whole new light..


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