25th Sunday of Year
Who has helped me to appreciate the value of loving service of others?
Sat. Sept 18th 8pm Mary Stack, Killea.
Sun. Sept 26th 9.30am Francis and Patricia Lee and Barry McGloin
Deceased members of the Fox family, Terryglass.
Deceased members of the Tierney family, Slevoyre.
Please pray for the happy repose of the soul of Helen Hogan, Shannon Lane who died recently.
Booking of Masses – Masses for Months Mind and Anniversaries can be booked by phone, text or email.
COLLECTIONS Benevolent Fund Collection envelopes still welcome.
Congratulations to Avril Hogan and Robert Fitzpatrick who were married in Terryglass recently.
CONFIRMATION the sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated in Kilbarron church next Saturday, Sept. 25th at 11am. We pray for the young people who will be Confirmed, during this very special time in their lives.
Kilbarron cemetery Maintenance Fees.
The cemetery commission requests that all outstanding maintenance fees for Kilbarron cemetery be paid as soon as possible. The payments may be left in Hannigan’s or to Tess O’Meara in Kilbarron village.
Season of Creation 2021 From the 1st of Sept until the Feast of St. Francis, 4th Oct all Christian Churches are encouraged to celebrate the Season of Creation, an annual celebration of prayer and action inviting us to think more deeply about what is happening at present to the Earth and the destruction of the environment which threatens our world. Let us encourage one another during the season of Creation by praying with and for creation, encouraging small actions in our homes and parishes to try to live more sustainable lives.
Also please See following link from Bishop Fintan https://www.killaloediocese.ie/welcoming-the-season-of-creation/
A Fulsome Welcome back / Céad míle fáilte: We are now permitted to have 50% of capacity in our churches which means in effect that everyone is now welcome to attend. Many who were afraid to attend or felt unwelcome with the restricted numbers are now invited to join us safely. We still will need to have social distancing, hand hygiene, and mask wearing for the foreseeable future with a full church expected to be permitted in late Oct.
Bingo returns to Terryglass Hall on Mon. Sept 20th at 8pm with a jackpot of €1000. In line with government regulations attendance will be limited to 60% capacity. All patrons must wear masks and show proof of vaccination or that they have recovered from Covid-19 upon entry. SPREAD THE WORD
Let me find hope when children sleep contented,
Far from fear and dread and peace is no illusion,
But spins a silver thread where you are waiting
Not far from Heaven’s edge.
Let me find hope, faith and love,
Your gift to every hopeful heart.
Liam Lawton
Terryglass / Kilbarron Mass Times
Terryglass Week-days: Tues. Thurs. Fri: 9am Sunday : 9.30am
Kilbarron: Wednesday: 8pm. Saturday: 8pm