Weekly News 19-10-2011

There is only ten days left until the annual charity Jumble Sale to be held in Terryglass Community Hall over the Halloween bank holiday weekend, 29th /30th /31st. October, opening from 10am-5pm on Saturday and Sunday and 10am-12.30pm on Monday. The proceeds of which will be divided between St. Vincent de Paul and two men from the parish who will be going to Kenya with the Fr. John Molloy project ‘Build For Hope’ in the new year.
So this is the last chance to collect those saleable items in the back of cupboards and drawers that can be converted into cash for these charities. Items such as bric-a-brac, books, toys, plants, pictures, home produce, home baking also items that would make suitable raffle prizes would be very welcome. If you need your donated sale items collected that can be arranged too. Anyone who can spare an hour or so over the weekend would be much appreciated. For further details contact Mary McGeeney 067 22164 or Anita Foyle.

The school application for a Green Flag, which was submitted to An Taisce last February, was judged to be the second best nationally that they had received last year. The school was awarded a prize of €500 and a framed certificate to mark the achievement. Four members of the Green School Committee, Debbie Haugh, Agnes Fairfax, James O’Sullivan and Teresa O;Meara, travelled to The Convention Centre, Dublin, on Thursday 16th October to accept the award on behalf of the school community.

The death of Teresa Lucas, London and formerly Terryglass occurred recently and we extend sympathy to the Lucas family.

Shannon Rangers are holding their AGM this Friday 21st. October at 8pm in Ballinderry Sportsfield.  All players are asked to attend to discuss plans for the current season. Any new players interested in joining or anyone who would help out in any way is welcome. The club is currently running very enjoyable indoor football sessions from 8-9pm on Wednesday evenings in the complex in Borrisokane. These sessions are open to all and further information is available from Paul 087 4171697 or Damien 087 7640779.

A programme of classes and presentations are taking place in the Old School Hall, Kilbarron each Tuesday from 8-9.30pm. Pre-booking for all events is essential as spaces are limited. A flat fee of €5 applies for all classes.
The Tuesday programme is as follows: Oct. 25th –Eating for Optimal Health,(Anne Starr), Nov. 5th -Embroidery (Lisa McGeeney), Nov. 15th –Understanding Banking (Pat O’Meara), Nov. 22nd – Manual Handling (Seamus O’Sullivan), Nov. 25th –Christmas Cooking (Jacque Sullivan) and Dec. 13th Festive Flower Arranging (Una Caulfield).
To book please contact Margaret O’Brien 087 2772545

The annual general meeting of Terryglass Arts Festival Limited took place on October 11th and the following officers were elected: Chairperson Valerie Cotter, Vice-chairperson Joyce Sodan, Secretary Aine Darcy, Treasurer Andrea Egan and PRO/Organiser Bernie McGrath (Arts Office, Nenagh)
The 14th Terryglass Arts Festival is planned for Wednesday 15th August until Sunday 19th August 2012 and will be as good as, if not even better, than this year’s event. Once again the organisers would like to stress how important the volunteers are and hope that the new helpers in 2011 will be supporting the festival in 2012.

Birthday greetings are extended to Cian Hayes, Kilbarron, who recently celebrated his 21st birthday with family and friends in Hannigan’s Bar, Kilbarron. We wish Cian the very best for the future.

Michael McGeeney and Gerry O’Rourke are requesting your support of donations of timber or turf as they prepare for their first fund raising event to support Fr. John Molloy’s appeal for volunteers to help build a home for blind orphans in Kenya. They expect to travel to Kenya in early February and any amount will be appreciated. For more information please contact Gerry on 067 22989, Michael on 22164.

The month of October is Community Alert Awareness Month. Community Alert operates as a partnership between An Garda Siochana and the public. It works on the basis that every member of the community can help to improve the quality of life in the area by keeping a look out for neighbours and reporting suspicious activities to the Gardai. It aims to improve community safety, prevent crime, to develop Garda and community links and to foster a caring environment for older and vulnerable people.

There is Bingo every Monday in Terryglass Community Hall at 8.30pm sharp organised by the Shannon Rovers GAA Club with great money prizes, including an excellent Jackpot of €1,000. Contact Oliver Darcy for further information. The prizes are excellent with €15, €30 and €50 for a line, two lines and a full house respectively and some full houses have been increased to €50-€150. There is a flyer for €200 each week and the full house if the jackpot isn’t won is €100.
Buses are available from the surrounding area,i.e.Nenagh/Ardcroney/Borrisokane/Ballinderry and Ballingarry/Rathcabbin/Lorrha/Carrigahorig/Terryglass. Buses depart at 7pm and for further information contact Ken Daly 083 4007748 or 067 21988.

A bus is available to take parishioners from Kilbarron, Coolbawn and Ballinderry to the 8.00pm Mass in Terryglass and departs from Kilbarron at 7.15pm.  For further information or to book a place please contact Loretta Tiernan 067 28066 or Mary Tierney 28167
The bus to Nenagh each Thursday departs Paddy’s, Terryglass at 10am, Ballinderry 10.10, Coolbawn (Molamphy’s) 10.20 arriving in Nenagh at 11am. The bus returns from Nenagh at 2.10pm .We urge you to consider availing of these services, which are free to Travel Pass holders. The bus operator is Ken Daly 083 4007748 or 067 21988 or if you require more information on any route please contact Louise 067 27088.
A bus also travels to Borrisokane each Monday departing from Terryglass around 1pm, via Ballinderry, Coolbawn and Carney Commons and arrives at 2pm and departs for home at 4pm. Services are door to door and booking can be made by contacting Ken Daly.

A meeting for all parents and children preparing for First Holy Communion and Confirmation will take place in Kilbarron School this Thursday 20th October at 8pm. The Enrolment Ceremony will take place this Sunday 23rd October at 11am Mass in Terryglass.
Sunday October 23rd is World Mission Sunday and your continued generosity would be appreciated.

Click Here to Read Parish Newsletter October 23rd 2011


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