Weekly News 27th April 2014

There will be a Church Gate Collection this weekend 26th’27th April at Masses in Terryglass and Kilbarron. Your continued generous support for this worthy cause would be much appreciated.

Sympathy is extended to the Fox family on the death last week of Billy Fox, Borrisokane, formerly Terryglass.

We wish good luck to Cillian Dunne, Kilbarron, who will be participating in the qualifying rounds of the World Junior Games in Dublin on Saturday 26th April in the racing section.

Shannon Rovers Juvenile Club is holding a Golf Ball Race around Kilbarron on Sunday 4th May at 6pm. All are welcome to take part and tickets are on sale at €5 each.

Kilbarron Drama Group would like to thank everyone who supported our recent production of ‘The Year of the Hiker’. It was a tremendous success for the group and it was lovely to hear such good reviews from our audiences.
A DVD of the play is available. If you would like to order a copy please contact Margaret on 087 2772545.

Maintenance fees for Terryglass Cemetery are now due and can be paid to John Mulvihill, telephone 087 2185833. Email terryglasscemetery@gmail.com

The bird watchers of the parish tell me that the first swallows of 2014 were seen here last week and this is the same timing as last year.

If you have any photos taken inside/outside Kilbarron Church back along the years the event’s organisers would like to hear from you to help then in presenting a photo display during the bi-centenary weekend in June. Please contact Henrietta Glynn 086 8477892 or Margaret O’Brien 087 2772545.

Please start collecting your used clothing, shoes, linens, household textiles, stuffed toys (any condition once they are clean). Bags may be dropped into Kilbarron School any Friday from now on, until collection date, June 5th. If you need to have your bags collected please contact Carmel Fox on 087 6359492.

The Tip of the Week is- Believe it or not older people are less often the victims of crime than their younger neighbours, however they are subjected to burglary and thief as frequently as the rest of the population. Good neighbours are vital in crime prevention and reducing the fear of crime. It is all about awareness of what is happening around you and keeping a lookout for the person near you.

There is Bingo every Monday in Terryglass Community Hall at 8.30pm sharp organised by the Shannon Rovers GAA Club with great money prizes, including an excellent Jackpot of €1,000. Contact Oliver Darcy for further information. The prizes are excellent with €15, €20 for a line and two lines respectively and full houses now range from €50, €70, €100 and €120. There is a flyer for €150 each week and the full house if the jackpot isn’t won is €100.
Buses are available from the surrounding area,i.e.Nenagh/Ardcroney/Borrisokane/Ballinderry and Ballingarry/Rathcabbin/Lorrha/Carrigahorig/Terryglass. Buses depart at 7pm and for further information contact Ken Daly 087 6273177 .

The next outing of the club takes place on Monday 28th April for a meal in The Thatch at 1pm, followed by an afternoon of music, song and dance with Seanie. The menu choice is Stuffed Turkey, Beef and Yorkshire Pudding or Herbed Cod, for dessert select from trifle, apple crumble or strawberry roulade. The subsidized cost is €10 and names and meal choice can be given to Jimmy Donnelly 067 38237 or Loretta Tiernan 28066.

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