The parish was deeply saddened to learn of the death of Ger Heenan, Roran, Terryglass, on Thursday 14th June, in Beaumont Hospital. Removal took place from his residence on Sunday afternoon to the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Terryglass and after Requiem Mass interment to place in the adjoining cemetery. Ger was a devoted family man, a much loved husband, father and brother. He was a great neighbour and would willingly do a turn for anybody, he was noted for his good sense of humour and fun. Ger was a dedicated hurling man who had served as the Shannon Rovers secretary for many years, he also acted as Chairman of Terryglass NS Management Board, in all Ger was a man who contributed a lot to the community and led a very active life despite his health problems and will be sadly missed by all who knew him. Sympathy is extended to his wife Breda, daughter Sarah, son Paddy, sister Mary, brother Niall, aunt Ebie Seymour, father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother-in-law, sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews, relatives and friends.
Sympathy is extended to the Guest families on the recent death of Bill Guest, Ardcroney and formerly of Terryglass.
A Pioneer Mass and Presentation will take place in Terryglass Church this Saturday 30th June at 8pm. There will be a cup of tea after Mass in the Parochial House and all are welcome. For further information please contact Aileen Cahalan 067 22058 or Joan Tiernan 28016
The fees for Kilbarron New Graveyard are now due. Payments may be made to Tom Casey, Marie Starr, Willie Joe Tiernan or Jim O’Donoghue. Open grave fee is €7 and a non-open grave is €5.
Everybody who has visited the graveyard would have to compliment the committee, especially Willie Joe, on the excellent job they do in keeping it maintained to such a high standard.
The Terryglass/Kilbarron Over 60’s Club is planning a day out to Galway on Wednesday 11th July. There will be shopping in the city centre, then a three course meal in ‘The Galleon’ Salthill and if people would like to pay another visit to the Royal Tara Worksop please let the following know, Loretta Tiernan 067 28066, Mary Prout 22172. Monie Hogan 22103. The subsidized cost is €10.
Summer Craft Workshops for children, including mask decoration and canvas painting, will be held throughout the summer in the River Run House, Terryglass, for three days per week. For information contact Aileen Hogan, 087 2892394/
The monthly meeting of Terryglass ICA Guild took place in Terryglass Community Hall on Wednesday 6th June. Votes of sympathy were passed with all families who had bereavements since our last meeting and a minutes silence was observed.
Our Vice President, Gerardine Wisdom, wished everybody ‘a great summer’ and our next meeting will be on Wednesday 5th September.
We welcome into our community Rian Egan, who was recently baptised.
The weekly ‘working nights’ meet in the village square at 7.30pm each Tuesday, volunteers are always welcome. Please consider coming and assisting in keeping the village at its high standard with the Tidy Towns Competition in the offing. Once again be vigilant regarding discarded litter.
The ‘Tip of the Week’- Mobile Phones. It is hard to concentrate on two things at the same time, Missing a call won’t kill you. Remember texting or reading a text will also distract you and may kill you and/or a passenger. Switch Off-Before You Drive Off ! It is an offence in Ireland to use a hand held mobile phone while driving.
There is Bingo every Monday in Terryglass Community Hall at 8.30pm sharp organised by the Shannon Rovers GAA Club with great money prizes, including an excellent Jackpot of €1,000. Contact Oliver Darcy for further information. The prizes are excellent with €15, €20 and €50 for a line, two lines and a full house respectively. There is a flyer for €150 each week and the full house if the jackpot isn’t won is €100.
Buses are available from the surrounding area,i.e.Nenagh/Ardcroney/Borrisokane/Ballinderry and Ballingarry/Rathcabbin/Lorrha/Carrigahorig/Terryglass. Buses depart at 7pm and for further information contact Ken Daly 083 4007748 or 067 21988.
A bus is available to take parishioners from Coolbawn, Ballinderry and Terryglass to the Saturday 8pm Mass in Terryglass and departs from Kilbarron at 7.15pm. For further information or to book a place please contact Loretta Tiernan 067 28066 or Mary Tierney 28167
The bus to Nenagh each Thursday departs Paddy’s, Terryglass at 10am, Ballinderry 10.10, Coolbawn (Molamphy’s) 10.20 arriving in Nenagh at 11am. The bus returns from Nenagh at 2.10pm .We urge you to consider availing of these services, which are free to Travel Pass holders. The bus operator is Ken Daly 083 4007748 or 067 21988 or if you require more information on any route please contact Louise 067 27088. A bus travels each Friday from Nenagh via Borrisokane and Ballingarry to Bingo in Birr.
A bus also travels to Borrisokane each Monday departing from Terryglass around 1pm, via Ballinderry, Coolbawn and Carney Commons and arrives at 2pm and departs for home at 4pm. Services are door to door and booking can be made by contacting Ken Daly
Cemetery Masses will take place in Kilbarron this Wednesday 27th June and in Terryglass on Friday 6th July both at 8pm. This is an opportunity for people to come, remember and pray for those who have died. Please contact families from outside the parish who have relatives or friends buried in our cemeteries.
Please note that our Summer Party in the Church of Ireland Hall, due to take place on Monday 2nd. July has been deferred until Monday 16th July. Also note that chiropodist Emma Stanley will be in attendance on the 16th. More details soon.
The club continues to meet every Monday throughout the summer from 2-4pm for exercises for older people, bingo, refreshments and chat and again on Thursday for walking etc.
For more information contact Jimmy Donnelly 067 38237 or Loretta Tiernan 28066.