The presenters of RTE One’s At Your Service are back again in River Run and Paddy’s Bar, Terryglass for their final filming this Wednesday. Expert hoteliers Francis and John Brennan are giving business advice to Mairead and Brendan Tierney on their various tourism related ventures. Francis conducts a main inspection and devises an overall strategy, while John looks at money issues and explores new marketing opportunities.
Anyone is welcome to come along on the day.
The junior team has resumed training on Wednesday nights in Ballinderry at 8pm, all players to attend.
Anyone interested in helping out with the schoolboys or junior teams or if they have children interested in playing schoolboys please contact the club secretary on 087 3110422. Junior team registration/insurance now due at €45 and can be paid to any committee member.
The Terryglass Arts Festival will run from Wednesday 15th to Sunday 21st August and once again the organisers have a brilliant selection of performers to entertain you. There will be the traditional favourites, including the fireworks and entertainments down at the Quay on Saturday, commencing at 8.30pm, with music from the Des Hopkins Original Guinness Jazzband and after dark the fireworks display. On Sunday it is Family Fun Day from 2-6pm with numerous events to view and enjoy, plus street theatre, face painting, puzzle path and lots more.
Tickets for Jack L, Gary Jermyn and Snatch Comedy Improv are available from The Derg Inn, Terryglass or can be booked online or by phone on 087 2181663
Birthday greetings are extended to Mary Quirke, Newlawn, who celebrated her 70th birthday on 29th July. We wish Mary continued health and happiness.
‘The Rambling House’ is being held in the new tea rooms, River Run, from 8-10pm each Thursday. Please come and join us and bring along your stories, song, music and dance or just come along and listen. For further information contact Mairead on 086 4114225, Cupan tae included and no charge.
We welcome into our community Alex McCarthy and Aoife Moloney who were recently baptised.
A full complement of trainees attended the first aid course and cardiac first responder course last weekend in Terryglass Hall. The Improvements Association would like to express its sincere thanks to the North Tipperary Leader Partnership for making funding available for this vital course.
The weekly ‘working nights’ meet in the village square at 7.30pm each Tuesday, volunteers are always welcome. The area is looking especially well and there are a lot of visitors in the locality.
The ‘Tip of the Week’- Cash and Financial Security. Thieves and burglars like nothing better than cash. It is important to observe the following as far as possible. Do not keep large amounts of cash in the house. Keep all credit cards and debit cards in a secure location, including bank and other financial books and statements. Old and out of date credit and debit cards should be appropriately disposed of. Do not give your credit or debit card password to anyone and when out and about avoid having large sums of money on your person.
The annual Shannon Rovers Golf Classic takes place on Bank Holiday Monday, 6th August, in Portumna Golf Course. €2,500 in prizes. Time Sheet in operation, please phone 090 9741059. Your support is greatly appreciated.
There is Bingo every Monday in Terryglass Community Hall at 8.30pm sharp organised by the Shannon Rovers GAA Club with great money prizes, including an excellent Jackpot of €1,000. Contact Oliver Darcy for further information. The prizes are excellent with €15, €20 and €50 for a line, two lines and a full house respectively. There is a flyer for €150 each week and the full house if the jackpot isn’t won is €100.
Buses are available from the surrounding area,i.e.Nenagh/Ardcroney/Borrisokane/Ballinderry and Ballingarry/Rathcabbin/Lorrha/Carrigahorig/Terryglass. Buses depart at 7pm and for further information contact Ken Daly 083 4007748 or 067 21988.
A bus is available to take parishioners from Coolbawn, Ballinderry and Terryglass to the Saturday 8pm Mass in Terryglass and departs from Kilbarron at 7.15pm. For further information or to book a place please contact Loretta Tiernan 067 28066 or Mary Tierney 28167
The bus to Nenagh each Thursday departs Paddy’s, Terryglass at 10am, Ballinderry 10.10, Coolbawn (Molamphy’s) 10.20 arriving in Nenagh at 11am. The bus returns from Nenagh at 2.10pm .We urge you to consider availing of these services, which are free to Travel Pass holders. The bus operator is Ken Daly 083 4007748 or 067 21988 or if you require more information on any route please contact Louise 067 27088. A bus travels each Friday from Nenagh via Borrisokane and Ballingarry to Bingo in Birr.
A bus also travels to Borrisokane each Monday departing from Terryglass around 1pm, via Ballinderry, Coolbawn and Carney Commons and arrives at 2pm and departs for home at 4pm. Services are door to door and booking can be made by contacting Ken Daly
The First Friday is August 3rd and Mass is in Terryglass at 9am and in Kilbarron at 8pm, preceded by Adoration at 7pm and Benediction at 7.50pm. Confessions are available before both Masses.
Click Here To Read This Weeks Parish Newsletter