Anniversary Masses: We continue to pray for and remember or deceased relatives and friends throughout this difficult time. All anniversary masses will be rearranged at a future date.


May 16 / 17 – Brendan O’Toole, Kilbarron  – Ist Anniversary.

May 23 / 24  –  Monnie Hogan, Killea  – Months Mind


Many thanks to those who have recently contributed to the parish.  This kind gesture is much appreciated at this time.  Anyone who wishes may put in envelopes through the letter box of the parish house.

A number of Parishioners have been giving their contributions directly into the Parish Bank Account over the past few weeks and we thank all those who have contributed in anyway during this time. If other Parishioners would like to pay their contribution in this way the Parish Bank Account Details are as follows: Bank of Ireland, Nenagh.

Building and Repair Fund : 

IBAN:  IE05 BOFI 9041 5753 5411 85

Remuneration Account:

IBAN:   IE24 BOFI 9041 5773 4287 53

If you choose to contribute into the Parish Account ensure that you put your envelope number or name as a reference so that we can keep track of contributions.

Thanks to those who have remembered Trocaire.  It is hoped to take up that collection and return boxes over the Pentecost weekend 31st May


LOURDES ENVELOPES –  This year’s pilgrimage has been cancelled, therefore you may disregard your Lourdes envelope for 2020.



 terryglasskilbarron website has an audio recording of Mass each week. It can be listened to at this link

Weekend Mass in Borrisokane is broadcast live via webcam at 10.30am each Sunday. Follow the twitch link  Mass also broadcast live at 10am on Tuesdays and Fridays.


COVID-19 Support Line for Older People

ALONE has launched a national support line and additional supports for older people who have concerns relating to COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Professional staff to answer queries and give advice and reassurance. line open Mon.- Fri. 8am-8pm, 0818 222 024. 


Killaloe Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine

This year the pilgrimage will be a virtual pilgrimage on Sunday next May 24th. It will begin at 2.55pm with a 5 minute video message from the Diocese, the prayers throughout the Mass will be focused on the Killaloe Diocese.

Pilgrimage 2021 a date for the diary – The annual pilgrimage for 2021, hopefully with people being present in body, mind and spirit will be on Sunday, May 23rd, 2021. You are warmly welcome to attend.

THE ALZHEIMER SOCIETY OF IRELAND have experienced huge disruption to our regular calendar of fundraising events due to the restrictions in place to ensure public safety, leading to a drop in income. We are currently running a virtual run/walk fundraising challenge which people can participate in while fully respecting the restrictions in place.Please contact Jarlath in the fundraising team on or see our website for further information about our Keep Moving in May challenge – a virtual run/walk which people can complete in their own time and pace over the month of May. 

Re-Opening of our Churches

Our Churches will reopen for private prayer from Monday 18th May from 3pm to 6pm. This will give people who wish the opportunity to call to the Church, say a prayer, light a candle, sit for a time in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. Churches are obliged to close when Mass or Funerals are being celebrated until at least the 20th July.




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