23rd June 2024

12th Sunday of Ordinary Time                                                        9th June 2024

The sea is so wide and our boat is so small.”





Sun. June 30th  9.30am        Damien Malone, Bellvue,

                                 Vera Downey, Terryglass,   Joan O’Dwyer, Ballinderry

Please pray for the happy repose of the soul of Margaret Coughlan, Lorrha who died recently.


KNOCK SUMMER PROGRAMME 2024 see poster in Church Porch or www.knockshrine.ie 094 9388100.   The Killaloe Knock Diocesan Pilgrimage led by Bishop Fintan is Sunday July 7th.



Important Notice Please Note Mass Times Change in Our Pastoral Area for next weekend are as follows : 


Saturday June 29th  Lorrha 6:30pm  

Sunday 30th June Terryglass  9:30am

Sunday 30th June Borrisokane 10:30am


This arrangment was decided at the individual Pastoral Councils  and from July we are back the usual schedule. It is to help in the absence of a priest on holiday.   Many thanks for your co-operation.


Kilbarron – Saturday July 13th  at 8pm.    

Terryglass – Sunday July 21st    at 9.30am.       

Please contact families outside the parish who have relatives buried here.



On Sunday June 30th  at 3pm we will be in Terryglass Old Cemetery – we invite anyone who wishes to have unmarked graces recorded and entered into the database for the cemeteries.  On the day we will also take information regarding the other cemeteries in the parish, Finnoe, Old Kilbarron and Church of Ireland, Coolbawn.


FAITH FORMATION 3 day residential retreats 23-25th July, 20th July-1st Aug, 6-8th Aug. in De La Salle, Castletown. €195 per person per retreat. 087 2312066 / ruachministry5@gmail.com


YEAR OF HOPE 2025  Pilgrims of Hope preparing for Holy Year 2025. Every 25 years is a Jubilee or Holy Year.  Prayers of praise and thanksgiving are expressions of joy and gratitude to God for the countless gifts and blessings we have received. In praise and thanksgiving we celebrate God’s greatness, beauty and goodness. We acknowledge God’s living and life-giving presence in the world and in our lives. Every blessing we receive is a sign of God’s goodness and should encourage us to express gratitude to our neighbour, loving them as God loves us.


Our lotto took place this week  17th  June 2024 @ 9pm.

Jackpot: €15,000    Numbers:  1- 2 -22 – 34.  No Jackpot Winner

Lucky Dip: Johnny Slattery, Sadie Tierney, Ciara Darcy, Conor Hyland and Tim Kearns.  Thank you for playing our lotto.




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