17th Sunday in Ordinary Time.
May each day begin with prayerful preparation,
opening our hearts to a spirit of loving repentance.
Sat. July 23rd 8pm Mike Bourke, Kilbarron.
Paddy Kennedy, Atlanta USA and Ballinderry
Sun. July 31st 9.30am Mollie and Kevin Hyland, Nenagh and Ballinderry.
Please pray for the happy repose of the soul of Joe Kelly, formerly Terryglass who died recently in Swindon, England. Funeral arrangements later.
KILBARRON NEW CEMETERY maintenance fees are now due. Payment to Tess O’Meara, Dermot Costello, Joe Slattery and Wille Joe Tiernan.
World Day for grandparents and elderly at Our Lady of Knock Shrine on Sunday July 24th. Anointing of the sick at 2.30pm, Mass at 3pm followed by rosary. Those unable to join in person can take part online at www.knockshrine.ie/watch
Pope Francis on Eucharist
- Last year Pope Francis reminded Catholics of the need to see the Vernacular Mass of Pope Paul VI as the centre of the liturgy.
- Last month he again reminded Catholics of the need to come to the Eucharist open to be astonished by the presence of Christ in Word and Sacrament
Ballinderry Beo 2022 will take place on Sunday afternoon July 31st in Ballinderry. Starting at 1.30pm with the official opening of the Ballinderry River walk. Lakeshore Community markets and music in the Village also. Free event but donation boxes on the day to raise funds towards the purchase of a much needed defibrillator for the village. All Welcome
‘‘It’s Cardiac Rehab’ – A podcast series bringing together experts in cardiac rehab and patients who have attended cardiac rehabilitation. Topics included are: exercise, medication, healthy eating and the psychological impact of living with heart disease. If you have had a cardiovascular event such as a heart attack, coronary artery stenting or coronary artery bypass surgery – log onto https:// irishheart.ie/services-for-you/itscardiac-rehab-podcast/ for information and support’
Monastic Experience Weekend Share the rhythm of Monastic daily prayer life with the Monks of Mount St. Joseph Abbey, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary from Friday 5th to Sunday 7th August for men aged 20 to 50 who may be discerning a monastic Vocation. Further information from Fr. Malachy, Vocations’ Director. Email: vocations@msjroscrea.ie Text info to 085 8338503
God of love, We thank you for our wonderful grandparents.
They bring such joy and happiness into our lives.
Thank you for all the special times that we have with them.
Please watch over them, protect them and care for them now.
May they know your goodness and love always.