Congratulations and best wishes to the children who will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation from Bishop Fintan today in Terryglass


The envelopes for 2020 are available for collection after Masses this weekend.  Details of parish accounts for 2019 are enclosed along with CHY3 forms which we would encourage all PAYE and Self Assessed tax payers to complete.  If you have any queries about your account, or wish to receive annual envelopes or change to direct debit please contact the Parish Office.

Area Pastoral Council meeting on Tues Mar 10th in Terryglass at 8pm.

Bethany Bereavement Support Training Weekend  March 12 to 14th in

Esker.  The parish will sponsor anyone interested in doing this training.

Baptism   We welcome Andrea Jane Moeran and Michael Colm Darcy into our Christian Community

KILBARRON CEMETERY COMMITTEE meeting in the Small Hall after Mass tonight Sat. March 7th.  New members urgently required.  Please come along.

Please pray for the happy repose of the soul P.J. Starr, Sheelrudderagh who died recently.

MASSES FOR THE DEAD                                 TERRYGLASS CHURCH 

Sat.  Mar 14th  8pm Geraldine Clarke, Ryehill, Patricia and Francis Lee,  Pauline Reed, nee Leenane, Dallas, Texas and formerly Newlawn.    


Sat.  Mar 7th 8pm  Jim Burke, Springfield – 1st Anniversary and Kit Burke,  Mary Teresa Ryan, Ballinderry.  Albie and Peg Burke, Kylebeg

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