Church News

New Year’s Day Mass in Kilbarron – Wed Jan 1st at 11am

 FRIDAY 3rd  JANUARY – 1st FRIDAY  Mass:   Kilbarron 9am.

 MONDAY 6th JANUARY Mass times: 

    Lorrha 9.30am,  Borrisokane 11am, Terryglass 7.30pm

SACRED HEART MESSENGERS.    The subscription for the 2020 Messenger is now due – please give same to your promoter or leave into either Sacristies as soon as possible.   

 THANKS to all who participated in the Christmas Liturgies, to all those who prepared our churches and all who helped in any way to make this Christmas a worthy celebration of the Birthday of Our Saviour.  Thanks to all those who do different ministeries in our Churches.  A special word of thanks to the Pastoral Council and the Finance Committee who keep everything running smoothly in our parish during the year.  Wishing everyone a happy, peaceful and blessed New Year.                                                                                                    Fr. Michael.


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