2nd Sunday of Advent
In a bleak time of exile in Babylon, Isaiah has words of comfort from the Lord, “console my people, console”
Sat. Dec 5th 8pm. Bridie and Stephen Darcy, Terryglass.
Kevin Cahalan, Cloninaha.
Fri Dec 11th 9am Theo, Una and Pat Tierney, Macloon.
Sat. Dec 12th 8pm Stephen and Elizabeth Prout, Ryehill,
Matt and Katherine Murphy, Limerick.
Sun. Dec 13th 9.30am Jimmy O’Meara, Kevinstown – 1st Anniversary.
Please pray for the happy repose of the soul of Stephen Costello, Shanavalla who died recently. Funeral Mass in Terryglass on Sunday 6th Dec. at 12.30pm.
Booking of Masses – Masses for Months Mind and Anniversaries can be booked by phone, text or email.
FEAST OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION : Tues. Dec. 8th. Mass in Kilbarron at 9.30am. Vigil Masses on Monday 7th in Borrisokane at 7pm and in Rathcabbin at 7.30pm.
PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL MEETING on Wed. Dec 16th at 8pm in Kilbarron. If you have any item for the agenda please contact any member of the Pastoral Council.
Masses for Christmas pending the stability of Covid.
Christmas Mass in Kilbarron on Wednesday 23rd at 7.30pm.
Christmas Eve : Borrisokane 2pm, 7pm and 9pm
Kilbarron 6pm, Lorrha 7:30pm, Terryglass 9pm, Rathcabbin 9pm
Christmas Day Terryglass 9:30am , Borrisokane 11am, Rathcabban 11am
Extra Masses being provided, but the restriction to 50 plus social distancing of two metres means that it will be impossible to provide for everyone who wishes to attend a Christmas Mass. The following guidelines will apply –
- First come first admitted till the limited capacity is filled. Note the total time permitted is one hour, mass and entry and exit included.
- The well wrapped up could stay with strict social distancing outside the doors listening to speakers.
- You could follow the Mass on webcam, or Facetime nearby and receive Holy Communion.
- You could watch, listen to parish Masses from home and receive Holy Communion @ weekday Masses leading up to Christmas or just after Christmas. Think of the 12 days of Christmas CHRISTMAS GREETINGS As many family members from the area may not be able to get home this Christmas, the Parish Pastoral Council have created a platform for people from abroad to send a recorded greeting home which will be published on the Parish website on Christmas Eve/Christmas Day. If you know of someone who you think might like to avail of this service please ask them to visit terryglasskilbarron.com where they will find the contact details and instructions for this project BALLINDERRY CHRISTMAS MARKET Turning on of Christmas lights and Christmas Markets on Sunday afternoon 6th December from 3pm to 6pm.
Churches open again for Mass From December 1st.
Terryglass / Kilbarron Mass Times
Terryglass : Tues. Thurs, Fri. : 9am Saturday: 8pm Vigil Mass
Kilbarron : Wed. 7.30pm. Sunday : 9.30am
During Level 3 Covid 19 Funeral Ceremony-attendance is now 50
- Sunday Masses remain on Webcam Borisokane – 7pm Sat and 10:30am Sunday. Daily Masses on Borrisokane Webcam 10am. Tues,Thurs, Fri.
- Terryglass has a recording of weekend Mass that can be accessed through the Parish website www.terryglasskilbarron.com from Saturday night.
- We are appealing for people to volunteer their time to help with stewarding, cleaning and other essential ministries that are evolving to ensure that now we have returned to mass it will be a safe place for everyone. If you are willing to help, please contact the Parish Office or any member of the PPC with your details.