2nd Sunday of Advent
May this season of Advent be a time of joy, happiness and peace for each of us.
Sat. Dec. 11th 8pm Kevin Cahalan, Cloninaha.
Sun. Dec 5th 9.30am Elizabeth and Stephen Prout, Ryehill
Matt and Kathleen Murphy, Limerick.
Wed. Dec 8th 7.30pm Son Patrick McCarthy, Ormond Cottage.
Sun. Dec 12th 9.30am Teresa Burke, Kilbarron – 1st Anniversary.
North Tipperary EmployAbility Service is an employment/recruitment service which supports people with an illness, injury or disability to secure and maintain a job in the open labour market. We cover all geographical areas of North Tipperary. Details: 067 37896/37897
It is the beautiful task of Advent to awaken in all of us memories of goodness and thus to open doors of hope. ~ Pope Benedict XVI
Feast of the Immaculate Conception – December 8th
Masses in our cluster – Borrisokane 10am, Rathcabbin 7:30pm and
Kilbarron 7:30pm
COIS DEIRIGE CLUSTER MEETING – An area PPC meeting takes place in Borrisokane Parish Hall, Birr Rd. on Thursday, Dec 9th at 8pm.
Kilbarron Terryglass Historical Society
We are beginning a process of recording the names of all those who are believed to be interred in Kilbarron, Terryglass and Finnoe old graveyards but whose names are unrecorded on a headstone or in any other form. If you wish to participate or believe your ancestors are buried in any of the above graveyards, contact any of the committee for further details.
December Lecture – This will take place on Fri 10th Dec at 8pm. Lisa McGeeney will give an insight in to “Nurses and Midwives: Public Health under the Poor Laws” Link to register for the talk will be sent out nearer to the time.
Covid 19 it is safest to keep the following precautions, Social distancing, Mask Wearing and Hand hygiene. We thank you all for your patience at this time and to our Stewarts for their ongoing assistance.
We welcome James Joseph O’Connor and Alex Jay Hogan who were Baptised recently into our Christian Community
God, our Father, through the power of the Holy Spirit,
You sent your son, Jesus Christ to come
as a little child to lead us on our Advent journey.
As we prepare this Advent for his coming again,
open our hearts to the wonder of his Presence in our lives.
Heal our wounds, bless our endevours,
and make us gentle of heart. Amen.