Easter April 9th 2023

Easter Sunday                                                  

Alleluia, may all the joys of Easter be yours! Praise the Lord, Christ has risen. Alleluia!




Sat.  April 8th  8pm            Darrell Darcy, Carney.


Sat. April 15th  8pm          Paddy, Jack and Bridgie McLoughney, Brocka

                                            Phil and Johnjoe Molloy, Lorrha.



Sun.  April 9th  9.30am      Paddy Leenane, Newlawn.


Sun. April 16th  9.30am     Chriss Corboy, Newlawn.

            P.J. and Madeline Heenan, Cloninaha, and deceased family members.  

Please pray for the happy repose of the souls of Teena O’Connor (nee Cleary) Dublin and formerly Skehanagh and Bridie Shanahan (nee Prout), Ballina and formerly Ryehill who died recently.

Easter Blessings

He is Risen

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.!

Holy Water Fonts it is with great joy that we are filling our Fonts again.  Easter holy water available this weekend.


FINANCIAL STATEMENT:  Offertry collection  for April 2nd was €355. 

Priest’s Easter Collection envelopes due this weekend


Trócaire Lenten Campaign 2023     

Please return your Trócaire boxes to the Churches in the next week.


HOSPICE FUNDRAISER  Launch of Fundraiser in aid of North Tipp hospice & Irish cancer society.  Commencing with table quiz in Paddys bar Terryglass on Friday 14th April at 8pm.  This project is being undertaken by the family & friends of the late Deirdre Darcy Hogan.  Also Monster raffle & auction to take place later in the year – more details to follow. Please come along with your team or join a team on Friday in Paddys.


Killaloe Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes 

Bishop  Fintan will  lead the Diocesan pilgrimage to Lourdes from Shannon Airport  on Tues 27th June , returning Sun 2nd July. €809.00 includes flight, airport transfers, full board.  For more information and bookings, please contact , Joe Walsh Tours 01-2410800 or email info@joewalshtours.ie



Our lotto took place this week –  3rd April  2023 @ 9pm.

Jackpot: €9,100    Numbers:  12 – 22 – 24 – 30.    No Jackpot Winner  

Next Week’s Jackpot: € 9,200   Lucky Dip:  Fr. Michael Cooney, Liam O’Gara, Derek Horan, Mike Fox and Eamonn Flynn.   Thank you for playing our lotto.   PLAY ONLINE https://bit.ly/3vnHxmN


Wishing everyone a happy and blessed Easter.

Fr. Michael.


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