Fifth Sunday of the Year 4th Feb. 2024
‘The healing touch of Jesus reaches out to all in need’
Sat. Feb 3rd 8pm Jimmy and Maisie Downey, Tom and Mary Downey,
Sean Downey, Terryglass. Johnny Nevin, Terryglass.
Sat. Feb 10th 8pm Mary Fogarty, Drominagh.
Ann Molloy, Terryglass and deceased members of the Molloy and Dermody families
Sun Feb 4th 9.30am Eddie Flynn, Rodeen, Jim Tiernan, Carney Commons.
Please pray for the happy repose of the souls of Elaine Harding, Bellvue who died recently.
TERRYGLASS NATIONAL SCHOOL. Enrolment is now open for new entrants to Terryglass National School for the school of September 2024. Please contact 067 22269 for further information and details.
Sat. Feb 3rd – Feast of St. Balize. Blessing of throats will take place at all Masses over the weekend. Candles will be blessed at both Masses over the weekend. Candles for Altar use or donations for same will be very welcome. Extra candles will be available to take home if anyone wishes to do so.
FR MICHAEL has successfully cleared the first hurdle with the completion of surgery on last Wednesday.
- We wish him a speedy recovery and pray for him at this difficult time.
- We expect he will not be available for ministry for at least six weeks and ask you to kindly respect his privacy at this time.
WE WELCOME BISHOP FINTAN Who has come to celebrate one of the Masses in each parish in our Pastoral Area this weekend. Bishop Fintan has kindly agreed to be with us on the weekend 17/18 Feb. in Cois Deirge Pastoral Area.
COMMUNITY LED LITURGY NEXT WEEKEND Each parish will have one lay–led community liturgy as we have only one priest available. The liturgies will be celebrated in the following churches at the following times – Borrisokane 7pm; Kilbarron 9:30am; Rathcabbin 11:30am.
Liturgy group members and PC Members will meet to prepare during the week.
TERRYGLASS COMMUNITY HALL AGM: The AGM will take place on Thursday Feb 22nd at 8pm in Terryglass Hall. New committee members are all welcome.
Kilbarron Terryglass Historical Society – WHERE DO YOU THINK THEY LIVED? Friday 9th Feb at 8pm in Terryglass.
Caimin O’Brien, Archaeologist with the National Monuments Service, will bring to life the people in the 1901 Census, mapping where each of the families once lived. Our task is to find where each house is or once stood and we seek help from anyone who may have knowledge of these houses.
Caimin will demonstrate how the mapping is done and show how the story of each family can be all brought together in one place. Admission is free and all are welcome to attend.
Every day I need you Lord, but this day especially,
I need some extra strength to face whatever is to be.