February 6th 2022

5th  Sunday in Ordinary Time

Jesus calls ordinary people, like ourselves, to be his disciples or close friends.




Sat.  Feb 5th    8pm        Mary O’Donoghue Sammon, Carrigahorig.

                      Michael Morgan, Cappanasmear,   Johnny Nevin, Terryglass,   

                                   Deceased members of the Mackey family, Terryglass.


Sat. Feb 12th  8pm         Tom and Julia McDonnell, Ryehill.

                                        Christine Keenan,  Roran.



Sun.  Feb 6th  9.30am      Josie & Jerry Carroll, Kilbiller and their grandsons                                              Ben and Dermot Carroll.    Eddie Flynn, Rodeen. 


Sun.  Feb 13th  9.30am      Mary Fogarty, Drominagh.

                               Bridget Tierney, Killeen and deceased family members.



We welcome Amber Beth Fogarty into our Christian Community.

PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL meeting on Tuesday Feb 8th at 8pm in Kilbarron Old School Hall.  If you have any items for the agenda, please contact any member of the PPC.


Sacrament Dates 2022

Confirmation Saturday 7th May – 11am in Terryglass

First Holy Communion Saturday 21st May – 11am in Kilbarron


CONFIRMATION WEBINAR Preparation has already begun in the schools and we thank teachers for this.  To complement that work and to support parents, the Diocesan Sacramental Group has prepared a webinar for Confirmation ParentsPlease note Registration in advance is essential.

Presented by Fr. Chris O’ Donnell from the Diocese of Limerick with a choice of two times 6.45pm or 8.15pm.

6.45pm link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN pd2sB NNRVuLlx4JimQUcg

8.15pm link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN pgHRw6M-R8aAMCxbV-HIRg


KILBARRON N.S.   Enrolment night for the 2022/2023 school year takes place on Tuesday, 22nd Feb at 7pm in the school.                    Kevin Connolly.


KILBARRON TERRYGLASS HISTORICAL SOCIETY next Zoom talk on Friday Feb 11th at 8pm.  Mr. Jim O’Brien, columnist with the Farming Independent will discuss ‘Rural Life in Ireland in the past 50 years’.  Email kilbarronterryglasshistsociety@gmail.com for link to register for the talk.


ALONE – Would you be willing to provide companionship to an older person locally? ALONE are seeking volunteers in your area. Full training and support provided.  Please contact Karen on karen.byrne@alone.ie or on 086 0576401


Shannonside Improvement Association- CE SCHEME

have a position for an Environmental Worker based in Terryglass

Please contact : John Deegan 087 6567099 or Marguerite 0863339311


Some Covid Restrictions remain in Churches

For the time being for your safety and reassurance we are recommending the following –  to be respectful of everyone’s space, to continue to wear a mask as is the case with indoor places such as shops etc. and to continue to sanitize your hands.


It is not enough to say we are Christians.

We must live the faith, not only with out words, but with our actions.

                                                                                                          Pope Francis


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