This has been a Lent like we would never have imagined. It has begun to be a true experience of the desert, as so many people have ever been unable to go to Mass and receive our Lord in Holy Communion.


Christ has no illusions. He knows that, as this week unfolds, the palm branches will shape themselves into a cross and the Hosannas become jeers. Holy Week, the most sacred time in the church year, begins today with the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem.


Jesus is crucified every time a human being is degraded, treated unjustly or deprived of freedom. His rejection and crucifixion continue daily. It would be a mistake to comfort ourselves with the thought that it was a group of Jews who killed Jesus! The people involved in His death are very like us. We must never forget that each of us has a hand in Jesus’ death when we hurt others through gossip and slander or ride rough-shod over them for our own purposes.


This final week of Lent is a great opportunity to celebrate the death and resurrection of the Lord in a way that will change our lives. The simple truth of the Christian experience is that sin has marred our lives; has made a mess of our world by leading us to conduct our affairs with hearts hardened against God. The Cross is lifted up as a sign of Christ taking the sins of humanity upon Himself and revealing the depth of His perfect love for all humankind. Let us never forget that Jesus died on the Cross so that we might have new life. Let us try then, each in our simple way to imitate Him.

The saving mysteries that took place during this two week two thousand years ago were for our sake and for our salvation. Trust that the Lord does not abandon his flock, he will never do that, for he cannot deny himself (2 Tim 2:13)


We continue to persevere in faith, hope, and love.

Asking for a Blessing

Yours are the hands full of experience and skill. 

Yours are the hands reaching out with compassion, taking time to show care, swiftly taking action.

Yours are the hands that show you care. 

Yours are the hands gently touching your patients.

You touch families too. Yours are the hands that show you care.

You lift the hearts of those who suffer.

Your hands celebrate the joy of healing.

Your hands bless all they touch with the spirit of compassion. 

Thank you for sharing your abundance and gifts, for touching lives and lifting spirits. 

Blessings and thanks for the many works of your hands.


Let us Pray

God of Healing, we pray especially for all who sustain us in these days, for hospital chaplains, medical professionals, staff in our chemists and shops, those who keep our streets clean.

God of hope, in these days fear has gripped us all and we are afraid of what might happen to us and to those we love. Give us the strength and calm we need to live through this terrible time.

God of love, we know that nothing matters more than the people in our lives.  We ask your blessing on those we love. Give us your compassion, that we may reach out to all who need our help, especially the vulnerable suffer.

God of Faith, we renew our faith in you, our loving Father.  Let us feel again in our lives the promise of your son to be with us always to the end of the age. 


Show us how to live through this epidemic as people of faith.

May this time of testing be a time of grace. Amen


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