30th Sunday of Year MISSION SUNDAY
What marvels the Lord worked for us! Indeed we were glad.
Sat. Oct 30th 8pm Ger Carroll, Kilbiller and his grandsons
Dermot and Ben Carroll
Sun. Oct 24th 9.30am Tom and Bridget Fox, Terryglass
Lucy Hanley, Ballindderry.
Sun. Oct 31st 9.30am Matt Fogarty, Drominagh – 1st Anniversary
Brid Fox Garvey, Limerick and Brocka, Tom and Bridget Fox, Brocka.
Johnny Hogan, Lacken.
Please pray for the happy repose of the souls of Nan Dillon, Portumna (mother of Madeline Slattery, Coolbawn), Tommy Collins, Nenagh (brother of Mary Flynn, Rodeen) and Cissie Russell, Donegal (mother of Mary Tierney, Ashgrove) who died recently.
Mission Sunday envelopes due this weekend
The October Priest Collection envelopes are still welcome. We thank you for your continued support in these difficult times.
Mission Sunday 24th October This weekend parishes worldwide celebrate Mission Sunday. The kindness shown will help overseas missionaries to continue to share the love of God with some of the world’s most marginalised and vulnerable people. Thank you for supporting in whatever way you can, and please remember it is more than an appeal for financial help. Missionaries also need spiritual support. On Mission Sunday missionaries take great strength in knowing that the faithful of the world are keeping them in their prayers.
Trócaire special appeal an emergency collection to support Trócaire’s work to alleviate the humanitarian crisis in East Africa weekend of 6/7th Nov- a retiring donation. In the countries where Trócaire works, less than 5% of the population have been vaccinated for Covid.
AREA PPC MEETING on Thurs. Oct 28th at 8pm in the Parish Community Centre, Borrisokane.
Blessing of All Graves – on next Sunday 31st October
Terryglass after 9.30am Mass, Old Terryglass cemetery immediately afterwards
Kilbarron 2pm, Old Kilbaron immediately afterwards and Finnoe immediately after that.
Feast of All Saints –Mass 9.30am in Terryglass Monday 1st Nov.
Feast of all Souls – Mass 7.30pm in Kilbarron on Tuesday 2nd Nov.
FREE SMART PHONE COURSE in Terryglass Hall, commencing the end of October. Attendance will require producing a Covid Certificate in line with Government Policy and limited at present to 6 persons over 18 per session. Contact Robert Foyle on 0879196412 or Ester Mackey on 087 0626937 for details of Registration.
KILBARRON DRAMA GROUP meeting in the Old School Hall on Thursday Oct. 28th at 8.30pm to plan for next year’s production. New members always welcome.