The death occurred on September 4th of John Gleeson, Boherleigh, Borrisokane. Removal took place to S.S. Peter and Paul’s Church, Borrisokane and after Requiem Mass on Tuesday interment took place in the adjoining cemetery. John and family returned to his native area from England about 12 years ago and took up residence in Boherleigh. He kept greyhounds and had a keen interest in the sport, but had suffered from ill health for many years and his death at 56 years of age is a sad loss to all who knew him. Sympathy is extended to his wife Mary, sons Gerard, John Paul, daughter Clare, brothers, sisters, daughters-in-law, son-in-law, grandchildren, relatives and friends.
As part of Ireland’s ‘Biggest Coffee Morning’ Bridie Cahalan and colleagues from Terryglass ICA Guild will hold a coffee morning in Terryglass Community Hall this Thursday, September 15th from 9.30am until 1pm. in aid of Nth.Tipp. Hospice Home Care Movement. Your continued support will be greatly appreciated to help us maintain the hospice home care service we have in place for cancer patients and their carers in this area.
So come and join us for a cup of tea/coffee and some home baking, we especially invite you to come and avail of this opportunity to join others for a chat that morning.
Official Nth.Tipp. Hospice collection boxes will be in The Derg Inn and Paddy’s Bar Terryglass for contributions if you cannot attend the coffee morning.
There will be a Coffee Morning at Bridie O’Meara’s home in Ballinderry in aid of Milford Hospice, Limerick, this Thursday 15th September from 10am until 1pm. Please come and join us for a coffee or tea and sample the home baked cakes and tarts while supporting this worthwhile cause. If you cannot attend a donation may be given to Bridie or placed in the Collection Box at O’Meara’s Dry Cleaners, Borrisokane.
Following Fr. John Molloy’s appeal for volunteers to help build a home for blind orphans in Kenya, two local men have volunteered to take up the challenge, Gerry O’Rourke and Michael McGeeney. They expect to travel to Kenya in early February for 10 days, and will be fundraising over the coming months i.e. a concert, timber/turf auction, they are also looking for donations of same, any amount will be appreciated. For more information please contact Gerry on 067 22989, Michael on 22164.
Congratulations to Terryglass and Kilbarron who scored so well in the recent Tidy Towns Competition, both increased their points significantly and Terryglass was awarded the bronze medal.
Kilbarron Development Association would like to thank everyone for the wonderful effort they put into the Tidy Town competition again this year. Our results increased by 8 points from 261 to 269. This is a great achievement and shows the commitment that the village has to the competition and to our area. A special word of thanks to Tess O’Meara and Rita Burke for all the work they put in both painting and planting and to all the committee for their continued hard work. We will hold our AGM in the coming months and hope that more people will get involved- many hands make light work. Finally we would like to extend our congratulations to Terryglass on its continued success.
Kilbarron Grotto Celebrations
On Sunday August 28th Kilbarron village celebrated the 50th anniversary of the blessing of our Grotto. A large crowd gathered for outdoor Mass at 3pm celebrated by our parish priest, Fr. Michael Cooney. Fr. Michael is a nephew of the late Fr. John Cooney who presided over the original blessing of the Grotto in 1961. Following the Mass, Fr. Michael planted a tree in the Church grounds, in honour of the occasion.
After Mass refreshments were served in the village hall. There was a wonderful display of old photos depicting people and events over the past 50 years. Photographs of Communions, Confirmations and weddings all included the Grotto. Many more pictures of life in and around the village brought back memories to all present. The afternoon’s entertainment continued with music and dancing in the village square until 8pm.
The Parish Pastoral Council would like to thank everyone involved in the organisation of the event, those who read and brought up gifts at Mass, the organist and choir, the altar servers, the sacristan and everyone who made the Mass a memorable occasion. Thanks also to everyone who donated food for the hall and to those who made and served the tea, to Sean Gleeson for the wonderful music and Mary and Anita and their dancers for the entertainment and to Joe Hannigan and his team for supplying and laying the dance floor. A special word of thanks to Ann Carroll, Coolbawn for the loan of some great photos from her late father’s collection and to everyone who loaned photos on the day. Thanks to all the stewards who ensured the event went off safely and finally thanks to Tony Esmonde, SO Nurseries, who donated the tree, which was planted to commemorate the day.
Birthday greetings are extended to Linda Leenane, Ballinderry, who celebrated her 40th birthday with family and friends in Hannigan’s Bar, Kilbarron, last Friday. We wish her all the best for the future.
Rose Carty, Coolbawn, has a new show ‘Water and Colour’ in Nenagh Library for the month of September, with a varied selection of subjects in watercolour, oil and mixed media. Rose has exhibited widely in the UK, Wexford and Tipperary and her last show was a great success, with buyers from all over the country, all work is for sale.
As the Autumn season approaches our thoughts turn to the Halloween Jumble Sale. Any useful items in good condition such as bric-a-brac, books, toys, plants, pictures etc., are very valuable sources to make the event a success. It will be held over the Halloween bank holiday weekend, Saturday, Sunday and Monday morning 29th-31st October.
Volunteers needed and willing help greatly appreciated especially for the preparation of the sale and the clean-up afterwards..
The proceeds of the sale will go to St. Vincent de Paul and also to two local men who will be travelling to Kenya with Fr. John Molloy’s project ‘Build For Hope’.
The Ballinderry Sportsfield Annual Cycle due to take place this Saturday 17th September has been postponed.
The Pastoral Parish Council is currently setting up a Parish Website. The site will be maintained by the Parish Council and will be an information site catering for all aspects of parish life. One area of the site will be a directory of all businesses in the parish. If you would like your business to be included in this directory please contact Lisa McGeeney, Willie Ryan, Larry Dunne or any member of the Parish Council. If you have already received a form for completion please return as soon as possible. If you require any further information regarding the website please contact Larry Dunne: phone 087 2752633
The ‘Tip of the Week’ –is on Heating Oil and Diesel Theft. The noticeable increase in theft of home heating oil and diesel should be of concern, most tanks are generally unprotected and unobserved and very easily accessed, which leads to stolen oil supplies. It is preferable that the tank be in an area which may be observed by the householder or by a neighbour. It may be screened by fencing trellis or hedging. Consider installing a motion sensor or light sensor in the area. Ensure you have a lock on the tank.
There is Bingo every Monday in Terryglass Community Hall at 8.30pm sharp organised by the Shannon Rovers GAA Club with great money prizes, including an excellent Jackpot of €1,000. Contact Oliver Darcy for further information. The prizes are excellent with €20, €20 and €30 for a line, two lines and a full house respectively, with the full house before the break rising to €100 and €50 for the last one. There is a flyer for €200 each week and the full house if the jackpot isn’t won is €100.
Buses are available from the surrounding areas and cost €5 return, i.e.Nenagh/Ardcroney/Borrisokane/Ballinderry and Ballingarry/Rathcabbin/Lorrha/Carrigahorig/Terryglass. Buses depart at 7pm and for further information contact Ken Daly 083 4007748 or 067 21988.
Click Here to Read Parish Newsletter September 18th 2011