Weekly News 15th September 2012

As part of Ireland’s ‘Biggest Coffee Morning’ Bridie Cahalan and colleagues from Terryglass ICA Guild will hold a coffee morning in Terryglass Community Hall on Thursday 20th September from 9.30am until 1pm in aid of North Tipperary Hospice Home Care Movement. Your continued support will be greatly appreciated to help to maintain the hospice homecare service we have in place for cancer patients and their carers in the area.
So come and join us for a cup of tea/coffee and some home baking, we especially invite you to come and avail of this opportunity to join others for a chat that morning.
Official Nth.Tipp. Hospice collection boxes will be in The Derg and Paddy’s Bar, Terryglass for contributions if you cannot attend the coffee morning.

Traditional Music Classes will resume in Terryglass Hall this Thursday September13th. Instruments include the fiddle, flute and tin whistle. Beginners and improvers of all ages are welcome. For more details contact John on 087 2869269.

Our good wishes are extended to Joe Slattery, who travels to Croatia this week as Ireland’s judge in this year’s World Ploughing Championships. To be selected to such a prestigious task reflects on Joe’s many years of experience in ploughing contests.

There will be a Coffee Morning in Bridie O’Meara’s house in Ballinderry in aid of Milford Hospice, Limerick, on Thursday 20th September from 10am until 1pm. Please come and join us for a cup of coffee or tea and sample the home baked cakes and tarts while supporting this worthwhile cause. If you cannot attend a donation may be given to Bridie or placed in the collection box in O’Meara’s Dry Cleaners, Borrisokane.

Now is the time to start collecting any saleable items for the forthcoming Jumble Sale which will be held in Terryglass Community Hall over the Halloween bank-holiday weekend. We are looking for suitable raffle prizes and any items that can be sold e.g. bric-a-brac, books, plants, pictures, toys etc., unfortunately we are unable to accept electrical goods or large pieces of furniture i.e. beds and mattresses
All proceeds will go to a worthy charity. For further information please contact Mary McGeeney 067 22164.

The death has occurred of Pat Carmody, Carney, sympathy is extended to his family.

Our congratulations are extended to the members of the U/16 Camogie team who recently won the County Final, also to their trainers and management, well done to all.

We welcome into our parish James Cormican who was recently baptised.

Midlands Artistic Gymnastics Club will re-commence training, after the summer break, in Lorrha GAA sports complex from Tuesday 11th September, times and ages as follows: Children aged 5 to 7 years from 5-6.30pm, children from 8years plus from 6.30-8pm every Tuesday and Thursday. Also every Saturday for 5-7years from 11am to 12.30pm and for 8 years plus from 12.30-2.00pm . Coaching by experienced Russian Gymnast who resides in Rathcabbin. For further information contact (087) 7528346 or email natashachuhai@yahoo.com

The ‘Tip of the Week’- is- Don’t leave anything on display in your car even in your driveway, and if you leave items in your car while shopping in town put them out of sight locked in the boot.

There is Bingo every Monday in Terryglass Community Hall at 8.30pm sharp organised by the Shannon Rovers GAA Club with great money prizes, including an excellent Jackpot of €1,000. Contact Oliver Darcy for further information. The prizes are excellent with €15, €20 and €50 for a line, two lines and a full house respectively. There is a flyer for €150 each week and the full house if the jackpot isn’t won is €100.
Buses are available from the surrounding area,i.e.Nenagh/Ardcroney/Borrisokane/Ballinderry and Ballingarry/Rathcabbin/Lorrha/Carrigahorig/Terryglass. Buses depart at 7pm and for further information contact Ken Daly 083 4007748 or 067 21988.

A bus is available to take parishioners from Coolbawn, Ballinderry and Terryglass to the Saturday 8pm Mass in Terryglass and departs from Kilbarron at 7.15pm.  For further information or to book a place please contact Loretta Tiernan 067 28066 or Mary Tierney 28167
The bus to Nenagh each Thursday departs Paddy’s, Terryglass at 10am, Ballinderry 10.10, Coolbawn (Molamphy’s) 10.20 arriving in Nenagh at 11am. The bus returns from Nenagh at 2.10pm .We urge you to consider availing of these services, which are free to Travel Pass holders. The bus operator is Ken Daly 083 4007748 or 067 21988 or if you require more information on any route please contact Louise 067 27088. A bus travels each Friday from Nenagh via Borrisokane and Ballingarry to Bingo in Birr.
A bus also travels to Borrisokane each Monday departing from Terryglass around 1pm, via Ballinderry, Coolbawn and Carney Commons and arrives at 2pm and departs for home at 4pm. Services are door to door and booking can be made by contacting Ken Daly

We wish well to the new Parish Pastoral Council, and thank its members for undertaking this important parish work.

The Lower Ormond group will be dinning out in The Derg, Terryglass, on Monday September 24th.  There will be a three course meal at 1.30pm with a choice of roast beef or sea trout, followed by the house speciality cherry trifle or rice pudding. The subsidized cost is just €10. There will be music and dancing afterwards with everyone’s favourite Seanie Gleeson. Names should be given with your meal choice to one of the following: Jimmy Donnelly, Loretta Tiernan, Phyllis O’Meara, Sam Wilson.
On Monday October 8th we will be holding our annual Bric-a-Brac Sale in the Church of Ireland Hall, Borrisokane, and any donations of suitable items will be welcome.


See This Weeks Newsletter Below

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