Weekly News 3rd March 2012

The parish lost a talented and popular person on the death last Tuesday 21st February of Sheila Deasy nee O’Kelly de Gallagh. Cnoc na Faire, Carrigahorig. Removal took place from her residence on Saturday morning to the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Terryglass and after Requiem Mass interment took place in the adjoining cemetery beside her late husband Rickard. Born in Gortray, Co. Galway Sheila was a much loved mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, sister and neighbour.  She was a nurse by profession and married to Rickard for over 60 years, working along-side him on the farm she was his greatest supporter during the IFA campaign in the 1960’s.  For over 40 years Sheila was responsible for providing and arranging the beautiful flower arrangements in the church. A daily Mass goer she was a jolly lady with a sense of humour, willing to do a favour for anyone. Sympathy is extended to her sons Rickard, Ruaidhri, Robin, daughter Lucila, sister Maureen O’Kelly, daughters-in-law, son-in-law, nephews, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, relatives and friends.

The death occurred on Thursday 23rd February of Denise Shaw, Kilgarvan Quay, Ballinderry. Removal took place from her residence to Kilbarron Church last Sunday and after Requiem Mass cremation took place in Mount Jerome, Dublin on Monday. Denise and her husband Morris came from England to Kilgarvan in the 1970’s where they ran a successful antiques business for many years. Denise was a devoted mother, grandmother and great-grandmother, a good neighbour who was well respected in the community.  She was predeceased by her husbands Mick and Morris, her daughter Mary-Lynn and grandson Michael.  Sympathy is extended to her daughters Krista, Ally and Caroline, sons-in-law, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, relatives and friends.

Birthday greeting are extended to Nell Moore, Coolbawn, who will celebrate her 87th birthday on March 2nd. We wish her continued good health and happiness.

The next meeting is on Wednesday 14th March at 8pm, hostesses for the night are Mollie Hyland and Connie Maher.

Irish Rural Link is holding ‘Basic Computer Classes For Beginners’ in the Civic Building, Portumna, starting dates 1st March, 7th March and 14th March, classes are from 7-9pm. If you are working in the rural community, farming, a senior citizen or unemployed you might like to avail of the courses by contacting Chrissy or Maria on 09064 82744, the cost per course is €15 and free to OAP’s.

The ‘Tip of the Week’- Offers of cheap goods , services or repairs such as painting and roofing etc, from door to door sales people should not be entered into without checking with neighbours first.  Check for identity and contact numbers of door to door sales people and workmen before agreeing to any purchases.

Employ Ability Service offer free job sourcing and on the job support. If you have a disability and require support in seeking employment you are invited to an ‘Open Day’ in Friar’s Court, Nenagh on Thursday 8th March. Contact Employ-ability on 067 37896.

There is Bingo every Monday in Terryglass Community Hall at 8.30pm sharp organised by the Shannon Rovers GAA Club with great money prizes, including an excellent Jackpot of €1,000. Contact Oliver Darcy for further information. The prizes are excellent with €15, €20 and €50 for a line, two lines and a full house respectively. There is a flyer for €150 each week and the full house if the jackpot isn’t won is €100.
Buses are available from the surrounding area,i.e.Nenagh/Ardcroney/Borrisokane/Ballinderry and Ballingarry/Rathcabbin/Lorrha/Carrigahorig/Terryglass. Buses depart at 7pm and for further information contact Ken Daly 083 4007748 or 067 21988.

A bus is available to take parishioners from Terryglass, Ballinderry and Coolbawn to the Saturday 7.30pm Mass in Kilbarron and departs from Terryglass at 6.45pm.  For further information or to book a place please contact Loretta Tiernan 067 28066 or Mary Tierney 28167
The bus to Nenagh each Thursday departs Paddy’s, Terryglass at 10am, Ballinderry 10.10, Coolbawn (Molamphy’s) 10.20 arriving in Nenagh at 11am. The bus returns from Nenagh at 2.10pm .We urge you to consider availing of these services, which are free to Travel Pass holders. The bus operator is Ken Daly 083 4007748 or 067 21988 or if you require more information on any route please contact Louise 067 27088. A bus travels each Friday from Nenagh via Borrisokane and Ballingarry to Bingo in Birr.
A bus also travels to Borrisokane each Monday departing from Terryglass around 1pm, via Ballinderry, Coolbawn and Carney Commons and arrives at 2pm and departs for home at 4pm. Services are door to door and booking can be made by contacting Ken Daly

Friday 2nd March is the First Friday and Mass is in Kilbarron at 9am and in Terryglass at 7.30pm, Benediction at 7.20pm. Confessions will be available before both Masses.

Rangers had Holycross at home last Sunday in the league, but lost 4-2. After a bad start Rangers pulled two goals back in the second half through a John Flannery strike and a penalty from Padraig O’Meara, but it was not to be. Thank you to all the players who showed up on the day. It was great to see such a great turnout.
Training is in the complex in Borrisokane each Wednesday at 8pm. As always all players are asked to attend and new players are always welcome.

Our next outing will be on Monday 12th March to The Derg, Terryglass at 1.30pm for a three course meal followed by music and dance with Seanie. The choice of menu is sea trout or beef, cherry trifle or rice pudding.  Names can be given to any of the following: Gordon Bennett 067 22964, Jimmy Donnelly 38237. Loretta Tiernan 28066.
The club meets each Monday at 2pm in the Church of Ireland Hall, and on Thursday for some healthy exercise e.g. walking, boules, pitch and putt.

Old photos of Terryglass and surrounding area, along with unwanted china tea sets and tea-pots.  We are trying to recreate the Terryglass of days gone by for a new tea room. Please contact Laura Tierney 087 9855409.


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