18th Sept 2022


25th    Sunday in Ordinary Time.

This is what the lord requires of you, “to act justly, to love tenderly and to walk humbly with our God’ (Micah)




Sat. Sept 17th   8pm           Mary Stack, Killea,

                                            Joan Hogan, Cornalack.



Sun.  Sept 18th  9.30am       Billy Coen, Ryehill – Months Mind.


Sun.  Sept 25th   9.30am      Francis and Patricia Lee and Barry McGloin

         Sr. Bernadette Fogarty, San Antonio, USA and formerly Shannon View

                                        Ambrose Fogarty, and Mary Fogarty, Shannon View.

Please pray for the happy repose of the soul of Josie Stapleton, Roscrea (mother of John Stapleton, Gortmore) who died recently.


TEA IN THE HALL  Terryglass hall committee will have a Cuppa tea and chat in the Terryglass Community hall Sunday 2nd October at 10am, all are welcome.

FIRST COMMUNION / CONFIRMATION Enrolment Mass next Sunday at 9.30am Mass in Terryglass.  We welcome the children, young people and their parents to this special celebration and keep them in our prayers during this special year.



Annual Coffee Morning in aid of Milford Hospice – Bridie O Meara and friends will be hosting their Annual Coffee Morning in aid of Milford Hospice on Thursday 22nd  of September at Bridies house in Ballinderry. 

Come and enjoy a Tea or Coffee and support the wonderful people of Milford Hospice who continue to do excellent work.



Offertry collection for Sept 4th    was €325.  Thank you.

Thank you for your generous support for the Youth Ministry collection last weekend.  €750 was sent to the Diocesan office.


OFFERTRY COLLECTION – We will return to the use of baskets for the Offertry collection from next weekend.


  Congratulations to Carmel Cahalan, Drominagh and Paddy Rohan, Nenagh who were married in Terryglass recently.

Recruiting Parish Pastoral Council

We are most grateful to all who have served on our pastoral council and subcommittees over several years and those who volunteered over the Covid time.  Over the next few weeks, we are aiming to recruit new members to our pastoral Council.  A pastoral Council is crucial to our faith development and to coordinating pastoral activity in our parish.  Nomination Forms will be available in both churches next week where you will be able to nominate yourself or another person.


We welcome Jessica Nóirín Waters into our Christian Community.



Our lotto took place this week – 12th September 2022 @ 9pm.

Jackpot: €6,200    Numbers:  6 – 13 – 14  – 16  Next Week’s Jackpot: € 6,300

No Jackpot Winner   Lucky Dip Winners:    Conor Hyland, Tony Seymour, Michelle Carroll, James Stack and Cian Burke.     Thank you for playing our lotto.       PLAY ONLINE https://bit.ly/3vnHxmN


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