June 13 / 14 – Darren Maxwell, Nenagh, Jack and Mary B Fleming, Kilbarron. Gerard Heenan, Roran, Bridie O’Donoghue, Gortmore. June 20 / 21 – Damien Darcy, Curnamult.
Please pray for the happy repose of the souls of Sean Cleary, Glenbower and Aggie Bain, Luska who died recently.
Anniversary Masses: We continue to pray for and remember our deceased relatives and friends throughout this difficult time. Anniversary masses may be arranged for the on-line Mass each weekend.
PARISH ENVELOPES A number of Parishioners have been giving their contributions directly into the Parish Bank Account over the past few weeks and we thank all those who have contributed in anyway during this time. If other Parishioners would like to pay their contribution in this way the Parish Bank Account Details are as follows: Bank of Ireland, Nenagh.
Building and Repair Fund :
IBAN: IE05 BOFI 9041 5753 5411 85
Remuneration Account:
IBAN: IE24 BOFI 9041 5773 4287 53
If you choose to contribute into the Parish Account ensure that you put your envelope number or name as a reference so that we can keep track of contributions.
Trócaire collection – THANKS
Thanks to all who contributed so generously to the Trocaire Lenten Appeal this year. A total of €2250 was collected in our Parish.
Kilbarron New Cemetery subscriptions now due for graves. Money can be paid to the following: Willie Joe Tiernan, Dermot Costello, Tess O’Meara, Joe Slattery.
Our Churches are open for private prayer each day from 3pm to 6pm. Please observe social distancing at all times. We look forward to opening our Churches for Masses on the weekend of July 5th. For further details please see the Framework Document for a Return to Public Worship on More help will be needed to ensure a smooth return to public Masses.
terryglasskilbarron website has an audio recording of Mass each week. It can be listened to at this link
Weekend Mass in Borrisokane is broadcast live via webcam at 10.30am each Sunday. Please note new link or
Lough Derg 3 Day on line pilgrimage 27 – 29th June. To register, click on following link – or 071 9861518. to join the pilgrimage online.
Sacred Heart Novena continues until 19th June each evening at 7.30pm Log onto Homilist: Fr. Kieran O’Mahony
Pope Francis Covid 19 Emergency Fund Urgent help required for overseas Missionaries and vulnerable communities in Africa, Asia and Latin America where the Church is often in the forefront in remote and inaccessible areas. To donate: or 01 4972035
Act of Spiritual Communion –
Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Eucharist. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you into my life. Since I cannot receive you sacramentally, come spiritually into my life so that I may unite myself fully with you now and forever.
Shannonside Improvement Association Ltd Community Employment Scheme have a Vacancies in the following area: Aglish Village, Carrigahorig Village , Ballinderry Village and Sportsfield.
Please contact : 086 3339311 or 087 6567099