June 18th 2023

11 th Sunday in Ordinary Time

We are his people, the sheep of his flock.


Sat. June 17 th 8pm Brendan O’Toole, Kilbarron
Eddie and Lily Coen, Ballinderry.
Sun. June 25 th 9.30am Damien Darcy, Curnamult, Joan Dwyer, Ballindery,
Vera Downey, Terryglass, Damien Malone, Bellvue,
Vincent and Carmel Mulvihill, Ballinderry.

June Priests Collection envelopes still welcome.
Peter’s Pence envelopes due next weekend.


We welcome Ada Jane Haugh into our Christian Community.

Kilbarron – Saturday July 15 th at 8pm.
Terryglass – Sunday July 16 th at 9.30am.
Please contact families outside the parish who have relatives buried here.
KILBARRON NEW GRAVEYARD Please note that there is a change of
fees for Kilbarron Graveyard. From this year the cost is €10 for each open
and closed grave.

TERRYGLASS CEMETERY The Cemetery Committee would like to
thank all those who helped  out with the work in the Cemetery over the last
few months and appreciate the time and effort that was given. 

DIOCESAN PILGRIMIGE TO KNOCK on Sun July 2 nd . Names as soon
as possible please as coaches have to be organised. Bus Organisers contact
details: The Legion of Mary will organise buses from Nenagh, Kinnitty,
Roscrea and Birr or contact Betty on 087-666-7374.

PASTORAL CHANGES IN OUR DIOCESE Maureen Kelly has retired as
Pastoral Planner. We wish her well and express our appreciation for all her
help and hard work in assisting us in this Pastoral Area.
Best wishes and blessings to all who have retired or semi-retired at this time.
We now have 27 of the 58 parishes in the diocese with no resident priest
under 75.
We obviously need to keep praying for a deeper understanding of the
Christian vocation and to pray that there will be more men and women who
will continue to answer God’s call.
We have to live with decline in priestly vocations and work for a more
collaborative pastoral area.

Prayer for Father’s Day

Lord, may I be gentle and strong, may I be firm yet fair.
A true friend, a kind listener.
May my family know protection, affection, direction.
May I hold them in times of fear,
May I dry the eyes that cry soft tears.
May we journey together through many years.
May I rest with a quiet contentment and make this silent prayer,
Father of all Fathers, guide our earthly way.

Liam Lawton

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